Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1385: After the blessing (2)

Bo Yan looked at the IDD, it was Xia Youbiao, and he quickly picked it up.

In fact, Xia Youbiao called Xia Siyu. He has been paying attention to his daughter, but he dare not interfere too much. Last time Xia Siyu asked him to post on Weibo to buy hot searches to rectify his mother's name, so he hurried to do it.

After that, Xia Siyu never asked him again. Over the past few months, no matter how much abuse and injustice she has suffered, she hasn't said a word. She didn't say, he didn't dare to do it. She didn't get the Golden Phoenix Award a while ago, and she felt very distressed as a father. He also secretly bought high-priced tickets and went to see her play.

This time, he was indeed a little angry.

Bo Yan answered the phone and had to say, "Dad, go and see, I'm out of town right now, and I'm rushing back. She is at home and won't answer my call. I'm afraid she will have an accident.

Xia Youbiao didn't care about what to say, so he hung up and rushed over.

It was half past one when Bo Yan arrived at the airport. The late-night terminal was quiet and peaceful, but he was anxious. He was finally relieved when he received a call from Xia Youbiao saying that he had gone to the Qingcheng apartment and that everything was normal for Xia Siyu.

Look at the news again, tonight because of the Golden Olympics, hot searches and forums have exploded. The people who participated this time were really pure passers-by. Although they were still unwilling to help Xia Siyu say a good word, they laughed at the new award-winning actress.

He remembered what Xia Siyu said, she could endure a head-on assault and lose upright, but she didn't want to be counted by this conspiracy. She was the top stream since she debuted, even if she was down four years ago, but she has always been named in the arena.

But this time, she lost her "word of mouth", she lost her backstage, and her strength was no match for her operations, so she was wronged.

Hurrying along the way, it was already nine o'clock in the morning when I arrived at Qingcheng Apartment. Just as Bo Yan opened the door, Xia Siyu was about to come out. She was well dressed. She was a little surprised to see him with a look of dust and dust: "Why are you here?"

Seeing her calm expression, Bo Yan was afraid that she was a little bit abnormal in her grief and spirit, and asked: "Where are you...where are you going?"

"Oh, I saw a director at noon and said that there was a movie to be filmed, so he named me by name. At night, there was an endorsement who asked me to go to the platform." Xia Siyu looked calm, but asked him, "What about you, why are you suddenly? came back?"

She thought for a while and said, "Is it afraid of something wrong with me? Are you kidding me, am I that kind of person!"

This guy has always been able to ask and answer himself, and he breathed a sigh of relief after he heard the words: "Are you really... okay?"

Xia Siyu let out a long sigh and chuckled, "What can I do, the results are all out, but I can still tear it back? But this time, the director who asked me to shoot is quite reliable. It's a literary film. I have won awards before, and I have a good reputation, it’s XXX. Oh, I’m running out of time, I have to go quickly."

When I heard the name, Bo Yan is indeed a relatively pioneer and thoughtful director of a literary and artistic film recently. Although I don't need to say at the box office, I still have a small reputation after taking Cannes.

Xia Siyu will not look back, she will look forward to everything that happened yesterday.

"I wish you success." Bo Yan breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that this is called "No Extremely Tailai".

Xia Siyu nodded and kissed him on the cheek.

Who knows, upon arriving at the location, the director’s first sentence was: "This play needs you to take it off."

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