Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1395: Anti-kill (2)

There were a large number of passers-by video screens as evidence, and it proved that someone had acted first, not that Xia Siyu had deliberately conspired.

Moreover, if you can't kill people and be counter-killed, the public will naturally stand on the side of being counter-killed, thinking it is "legitimate defense." The main reason is that the legal profession's definition of "legitimate defense" is too strict. Many people don't have to tolerate it anymore. If they kill the enemy, they will inevitably be imprisoned. Many people sympathize with the anti-killers.

However, the sunspots can always find new directions. Because before the mob rushed up, he yelled a few words like "walk the way for the sky", which happened to be caught by an audience who was close to the audience.

As we all know, a strange phenomenon has appeared this year. Someone was hurt, killed, or beaten. The media didn't condemn the perpetrators. Instead, they tried every means to find out why the perpetrators committed the crimes, what was the psychological motive of the perpetration at the time, and whether there were any difficulties and grievances. Is the victim a perfect victim? Has he done bad things before?

Not to avoid crime, just to click, to attract the audience's attention.

Therefore, a female passenger was killed in a black car, sympathized with the hard work of the black car driver, and was irritated by the female passenger, but blamed the victim: You must not be a good woman when you go out at night.

There is also the murder of his wife, desperately looking for reasons, "This woman must be cheating, or he is pushing her husband too tightly, otherwise how can honest people kill?"

As long as you are not the perfect victim, you can always be the target of attack.

Heizi immediately discovered the New World. When Xia Siyu dodged the first wave of thugs threw the bottle, there was a shout of applause in the audience. They led the assailant to the families of the victims of the mountain disaster, and even led them to it. Chen Fan body.

Said that this guy was also a family member of the victim, relatives or friends, or a fan of Chen Fan.

He went up to "eliminate harm for the people." Who made Xia Siyu eat human blood buns, and who made her make such wicked money? Although the staff is a pity, she deserves it!

The sunspots also posted Chen Fan on the hot search. Since his mountain disaster, the brokerage company has also cancelled the contract with him, and the TV station has also lost him a sum of money. But then he entered the recovery period and gradually faded out of the entertainment circle. With the help of Xia Siyu, he installed a prosthetic leg, and now he is here to help her block the knife.

Insiders know, but the public doesn't know, and Sunspot doesn't know either. In their eyes, Chen Fan is the best "tool man".

He is well-known, and the public knows it. And it has been far away from the entertainment circle, so that they can use his name to "remembrance".

The sunspots also know not to spread rumors, but they just bought his name as a hot search entry, which is the most suitable for attacking Xia Siyu.

Sure enough, this wave of heat is very good. Before saying that she was "attempted to kill", Xia Siyu used "legitimate defense" to wash it.

But this time, saying that the other party was "walking the way for the sky" immediately aroused public sympathy. There was also a very few extreme sunspots who shouted: "Warrior! Well done! It's a pity that only the staff was stabbed, not her?"

For the purpose of protecting Chen Fan, Xia Siyu did not want him to be disturbed by the media while receiving treatment, and did not refute this, so the rumors spread more and more fiercely.

Even if there was a report from the police that the mob was world-weary and wanted to drag a female star into the water to accompany him to death if he didn't want to live, public opinion did not believe him.

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