Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1401: Anti-kill (8)

Xia Siyu had no idea that before she fell asleep, she was still a "socially dead" entertainer, but afterwards, the whole was upside down.

She hasn't slept very securely, sitting in various dreams in her mind. Some clips are with my mother, Sicily is sunny. Then mother fainted to the ground. She ran to look at it. The ground was full of broken glass and mother's head was full of blood. Another turn of the camera, the bleeding became Chen Fan's head. Then she took the broken glass and stabbed the thug firmly, once or twice.

Blood spurted, and her world was blood red.

She saw the people under the stands change from applause to silence to screaming. She was on the stage, calmly looking at the person falling in front of her. Turning around again, the stage became the stage of a drama. Under the bright light, the eyes of the shadowy audience below looked like evil wolves hidden in the mountains and forests.

And she stood alone on the stage, holding a glass knife, without any fear.

——No, it doesn't seem to be, she is not alone on the stage. It seems that someone is behind her, paying attention to her silently.

The drama was still being performed, and she turned her head step by step. Sure enough, although it was dark behind her, there was a ray of light, and a person smiled softly at her under the light.

She was familiar with this smile, it was a flimsy expression.

Bad words!

Xia Siyu woke up. The sky was completely dark when she woke up. She still feels a little painful in her head. These days, she actually doesn't sleep well. After all, she took a piece of glass and stabbed someone, and that person is still in the intensive care unit until now.

She stabbed his liver with two strokes, and his lungs with the other stroke. There was too much blood flow, especially when he pierced the lungs, he was basically abolished, and he could no longer do heavy work in the future.

No matter how tough Xia Siyu was, he could stand alone in front of the stage at the time. But the blood splattered all over her head did cast a shadow on her.

She almost killed someone. The doctor said it was only five minutes away, and five minutes later, this person would die.

And Chen Fan's parents complained about the camera. Even if she understood, she was sorry for hurting their son again. But my heart is not unjustified.

As for public opinion and abuse, she actually didn't care much. Isn't it just dropping the endorsement? Isn't it just that there is no filming? She can't wait until Bo Yan is ready to start, and it won't be wrong to lose to Shang Feier.

Has she been scolded less? I've long been used to it.

But when she opened her eyes, Bo Yan was making a call outside, listening to the voice as if she was setting up some public opinion question. She listened intermittently, as if it had something to do with her.

She got up, put on slippers, and was about to go out. The bedroom door was opened. Then, Bo Yan turned on the light and came over: "Are you awake?"

She nodded.

In the next second, Bo Yan lowered his head, slightly longer eyelashes covering his eyes: "Sorry, I'm making my own decision."

In fact, Xia Siyu's head is still a bit painful, and although she just heard the call in a daze, she didn't string it together. But at this moment, she seemed to understand what he meant in an instant.

Sure enough, Bo Yan said: "I told Chen Fan and he logged into Weibo. I'm sorry, you want to protect him, but I'm still selfish."

For a long time, he didn't wait for Xia Siyu's response. When she looked up again, Xia Siyu said softly: "I should be sorry, it's me."

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