Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1404: Spring times (3)

Bo Yan sat next to him and watched Xia Siyu eat a sandwich in three bites. His mouth was full, and his eyes were still looking at the other one on the plate.

The sandwich was made by Bo Yan himself. Seeing her greedy eyes like a stray dog, he silently pushed the plate over, and at the same time gave her the coffee he made.

Originally at night, Bo Yan would not drink coffee unless there was a job. He is not busy with his own affairs recently, but Xia Siyu is very busy here.

After all, Xia Siyu's studio was only established. Even though Wei Jingjing had many years of experience in handling public opinion, he did it under the guidance of Qin Baizhou. After the studio was established, Xia Siyu himself was unwilling to fight against the black, and Wei Jingjing naturally had no means to play. Today, Bo Yan couldn't help but intervene, and Wei Jingjing only started to do public opinion. But Xia Siyu didn't nod, and she didn't want to spread it out.

Bo Yan also thought about Xia Siyu's thoughts. He didn't dare to dance too obviously. He only inspired Chen Fan, and only Chen Fan's hot search was what he bought. After fermentation, he went to find the relatives of the other two victims, which was done by other media.

It is more difficult to restrain and rationalize public opinion step by step than to rush up to seize the height of public opinion. Bo Yan thought Xia Siyu would sleep for one day, but he didn't expect this guy to wake up so soon. He accepted the change immediately.

It's also particularly edible.

"Slow down, slow down, no one will rob you." Bo Yan looked at her mouth before she finished chewing, and then took a big bite with "Ah ooh". Eating too fast is also dangerous, such as choking easily.

As expected, Xia Siyu raised her head and rolled her eyes, desperately to be compliant, Bo Yan sat down to help her smoothly, and immediately handed her the coffee. Xia Siyu hurriedly took a big sip, and somehow swallowed the sandwich in his mouth.

She hurriedly drank a few sips of coffee, finished a cup, and put the empty cup in front of Bo Yan, which meant: fill it for me!

Bo Yan had to pour it out for her. Xia Siyu finished the second sandwich, feeling a little real in her stomach, and then looked back at him: "Why don't you eat it?"

Bo Yan smiled: "I'm too hungry."

"Really?" Xia Siyu's dog eyes looked at the half of the sandwich that he hadn't finished yet: "Aren't you going to eat it?"

Bo Yan nodded: "Let's just let it go."

Xia Siyu got up and took the half of the sandwich: "Give it to me if you don't eat it. It's shameful to waste food!"

"You..." Before Bo Yan had time to persuade, Xia Siyu had already chewed the sandwich in a few bites, and then winked at the empty cup in front of her.

Bo Yan confessed his fate and poured her the last cup from the coffee pot. This is already the third sandwich. Xia Siyu finally started to chew slowly, drank it with coffee, and finally finished eating, still sucking on the tips of his fingers, as if he was aftertaste of the sauce inside.

Satisfied again, sighed: "It's good to be full of eight."

80% full?

Xia Siyu tilted her head, looking at Bo Yan's eager and halting eyes, she began to fiercely: "What? Eat your two sandwiches, it looks like I'm eating you poorly."

"No, no, it's a blessing to be able to eat, eat more."

Since the mountain was difficult to come, Xia Siyu didn't say anything, but after the mountain disaster, she hadn't been so comfortable for a long time. She used to be able to eat and sleep, and be alive and well, but now she doesn't know the taste of what she eats, and she often wakes up in the middle of the night. It was useless to persuade her to say nothing, but it increased her psychological pressure.

Now she can eat, as if the whole person is alive.

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