Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1412: Enemy for a lifetime (3)

It's boasting. How about "Wen Xin Diao Long", why don't you say "Zi Zhi Tong Jian"?

The reporter deliberately asked: "Where did you see it? What do you think? Which passage impressed you the most?"

Zhou Weiwei smiled secretly next to her, but her little assistants who had been with Xia Siyu were a little anxious. Xia Siyu had to pretend to be forceful, so don't blame people for slaps on the spot.

She also deliberately "kindly" persuaded: "Oh, that, it is a good thing to want to study, it is not ashamed to have not seen it."

Xia Siyu put her hands on her knees and clicked her fingers up and down a little: "I just started to look at it, but there is nothing to think about. For example, in "The Original Dao Pian", "The text is also very moral, and who is living alongside the world Huh? Husband and Xuan are yellow and mixed, with square and round bodies, the sun and the moon are stacked, with the beauty of the sky; the mountains and rivers are radiant, in the form of paving the ground: this is also the writing of the road.'"

After she finished speaking, the reporter opposite was a bit dazed, and the circle of people next to him looked at each other a little. Xia Siyu also had a calm expression: "If you don't understand, it's okay, if you don't understand, don't be embarrassed. Just go back and read more."

She can recite it because she happened to be practicing brush calligraphy recently. I picked up a book that I had read in thin words, "Wen Xin Diao Long", and started to practice writing against the first sentence. She would have such a sentence in the whole book, and she had written it eight hundred times, and of course she was so familiar.

Someone actually went to Baidu next to him, for fear that she was talking nonsense. I didn't expect that what Xia Siyu said was really true, and a single word was fine. Nodding to the reporter, the reporter was surprised and delighted: "Unexpectedly, Teacher Xia, you really read the book."

Xia Siyu looked "otherwise".

The next question is still around the works. I just asked about past works, but now I am asking about upcoming or future plans.

Zhou Weiwei replied first. She recalled the past and tragic years, and said that she had been quiet and she couldn't get any good movies. It was only in the past two years that she finally recovered. And she also mentioned Xia Siyu in particular: "Siyu helped me a lot. She supported me when I was humble. Now she...well, yes, if there is something useful to me in the future, I will also help her. ."

It sounded like she was complimenting Xia Siyu's righteousness, but she was actually mocking her for being "out of breath" now.

The reporter asked Xia Siyu again: "Siyu, what is your plan?"

Xia Siyu looked strange: "I have to ask? All actors want it, Oscar, will you give it to me?"

She didn't even bother to argue with Zhou Weiwei about the length. The two of them pursued different pursuits, and they did not seek each other. Zhou Weiwei wants to climb up, earn more money, become traffic, and call for rain.

Xia Siyu only had the word "red award" in her eyes, and she didn't care about everything else.

The reporter had no choice but to next topic.

This topic is called "Quick Questions and Answers". Since it is a two-person magazine, I have to ask two people.

The reporter began to ask: "The first question, please tell me one of your most remarkable traits."

Zhou Weiwei smiled: "I think it is kind, good character."

Xia Siyu tilted Erlang's legs: "I look good."

The reporter asked: "Second question, please tell me what you rely on to win the audience's favor with you."

Zhou Weiwei also smiled: "Work hard and persevere."

Xia Siyu raised her chin: "I look good."

The reporter opened his Taiwanese card and asked: "The third question... What is the most annoying thing in your career?"

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