Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1414: Enemy for a lifetime (5)

Xia Siyu sat in the second row. Just sitting down, a voice came from behind, with a look of surprise: "Sister Siyu~"

You don't have to look back, you know when you hear this voice, Wang Zisu definitely didn't run away.

This year, Wang Zisu also took over. His agency still liked him better and arranged a lot of plays for him. In the current society of Huaxia Kingdom, pure idol making has no future. There are not so many stages for you to hit the charts, and there are not so many red and white songs, and even the music scene is a lot of confusion. Many idols made their debut by singing, and finally went to film.

Wang Zisu met Xia Siyu and the others as soon as he was ready to film. Although Xia Siyu didn't know much about filming at the time, he still affected him. After Wang Zisu got in touch with them, he was really inspired, and used his spare time to specially invite a teacher to teach him how to act one-on-one. Of course, this kind of taking the time to teach is definitely not as effective as Xia Siyu's current systematic and diligent study. However, for online dramas, Wang Zisu's acting skills are now passable. Anyhow, emotional and explosive.

I recently appeared on one of his online dramas, although the second male is the lead singer of the band in a campus drama. It is not difficult for him to act in his true colors. But because of his good looks, tall, good figure, undressed and muscled, his acting skills are also pretty good. The show itself was quite explosive, and it became popular all of a sudden.

Wang Zisu is still in an idol group with five or six members, but he is not the focus. Even recently, he became popular, but the company took the show for the two of them, and arranged Tanmei for the key object, and the fourth male second in Gu Ouli.

Although Gu Ou can be regarded as a great resource, as we all know, the world's wealth code is Tanmei. If you want to hit the top stream, the fastest shortcut is Tanmei. There is no way, whether to favor or not to favor is a big difference. Sometimes it has nothing to do with appearance, acting skills, and family background.

But it doesn't matter. Xia Siyu is right. The opportunity is for those who are prepared. When the opportunity comes, can you grasp it? At least, he has tried to lose weight in order to look good. Originally not fat, but now a thin bone, the original baby face showed edges and corners, unlike a little milk dog, a little bit of a wolfdog cub.

In fact, Wang Zisu saw Zhou Weiwei when he ran over. Although he didn't know that Zhou Weiwei and Xia Siyu were estranged, he could vaguely feel it. And Zhou Weiwei didn't look good when she left their agency before. He didn't even say hello and just passed her and ran to Xia Siyu.

Just about to sit down, I saw Shang Feier again. Shang Feier is different from Zhou Weiwei. He immediately stood up straight: "Sister Fei."

Shang Feier nodded, he just sat down and pulled Xia Siyu grinningly: "Sister Siyu, I haven't seen you for a long time before I came out and thought you were going to squat at home until you are old."

The words sounded very "unpleasant", but the tone obviously means closeness. Xia Siyu didn't mind: "No, I cultivate myself at home every day, reading and writing, reading makes people happy."

Wang Zisu looked at her and then at Shang Feier in front of him. He was a little puzzled: "Did you just chat with someone?"

Xia Siyu shook his head: "No."

"Then why don't you sit in your own seat?" Xia Siyu's position has always been the first row, undoubtedly the top.

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