There is no need for Wei Jingjing to do anything, she can check it herself.

This investigation can really be found, after all, it is a formal enterprise. Among the company's shareholders, two people were written impressively, and she happened to know each other.

A Han Yizhi, Han Yifan's older brother, the eldest son of the Han family.

A Han Yifan.

Xia Siyu sat in front of the computer with a tea cup in his hand, looking at the shareholder list with a playful expression on his face. If Misty Rain in Midsummer was one of them, she would not believe it. Han Yifan has Shang Feier now, and he will give it to her if he wants to. Not to mention Han Yizhi, never even talked to her. She was a lot older, had a wife and children, and had a happy family, and he would not give her love for no reason.

Thinking about Han Yifan's arrangement of large wine cellars in Linfeng, Bo Yan also knocked on his Lafite and Romani Conti, it is normal to sell red wine. He and Han Yifan estimate that they are also doing business together. This company may also have unspoken investments, so when it comes to choosing a spokesperson, he can choose himself without any hesitation.

Xia Siyu used to be grateful for Midsummer Misty Rain, how much he liked, how angry he is now! Is this a surprise? They have been married for four years, and they have been together for more than a year, and he is still hiding it from himself!

No, she has to find some reason to remove this little vest!

She deliberately waited for Misty Rain to come online the next day, and sent him a private message: "Where is the movie theater you booked in Yancheng, and which one?"

Midsummer Misty Rain said: "On the day of the premiere. I will book a special hall, just like in the past."

Xia Siyu nodded: "You tell me where you have set. I want two tickets."

This sound is full of loopholes. Xia Siyu is the lead actor of this show. She wants to watch it. She still needs to ask Midsummer Misty Rain for a ticket? Wouldn't she buy it herself?

Sure enough, Misty Rain over there was a little hesitant: "This...Do you want to watch this movie too?"

Xia Siyu replied casually: "I have two friends who want to see it too."

This classic sentence "I have a friend" is actually telling others: Is this friend you yourself?

Moreover, they are still two friends.

One of them is her, who is the other?

As long as normal people can think of a problem. Xia Siyu wanted to make him feel that he had a problem. Sure enough, Misty Rain over there hesitated for a while and didn't answer right away.

Xia Siyu replied: "I just asked casually, it's okay, I will buy them another ticket..."

"No, I'll leave the ticket for you." Sure enough, after Xia Siyu finished speaking, Misty Rain over there in midsummer returned immediately. That's right, if she buys another ticket, he won't know who she is going to meet.

It's quite simple to book the venue, and now it's pre-sale. Midsummer Misty Rain didn't know if it was intentional, so he directly included a late-night stall at 11 o'clock in the evening.

At this point in time, after watching the movie, go out to eat and have supper. It will be more revealing, the moon will be dark and the wind will be high, then something can happen.

"Thank you." Xia Siyu actually collected the ticket, and went offline directly after speaking.

Make a full set of play. She wants to blow up the scene of midsummer mist and rain, but she still has to pretend to be a little bit like.

What is a woman who cheats or is about to cheat? Although Xia Siyu hasn't cheated, she has never eaten pork and seen pigs run. Anyhow, it's an actor, you can still pretend if you want to.

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