Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1431: Restart (3)

The elevator is not big, and the five people are still a bit crowded. Bo Yan was holding Xia Siyu in the corner with one hand. Fortunately, Xia Siyu was twisting on him at this moment, desperately rubbing, standing with his back to the three people, and they couldn't see it either. But because of the thin words carrying vegetables in the elevator, there is still a fascinating fragrance wafting out.

Because both of them drank, Bo Yan didn't go to the parking lot either, but followed the three of them all the way down to the first floor.

When the first floor arrived, the three squeezed their eyes, and one of them lowered his voice: "What am I talking about? This is definitely not Xia Siyu. The star came out for dinner and packed it?"

It's not that you can't pack it, but if you pack it back in the middle of the night, the food is past night. Don’t say if the overnight dishes are not fresh, the key is that there are nitrites. Will celebrities eat overnight dishes?

Bo Yan never expected that after the dialect, the good habit of packing casually would also save them. When they got downstairs, the three of them went to take a taxi. Bo Yanben wanted to call a taxi, but they carried the vegetables in one hand and supported her with the other. Xia Siyu was still squirming, really lacking skills.

Don't even call a car, it's not easy to even take out the phone. Moreover, it takes half an hour to drive from here to Qingcheng Apartment. Xia Siyu has now evolved to start pulling his buttons, and when he was about to call a car, this guy had already torn off his shirt forcefully and broke his collar buttons several times.

Who can bear this, although the car is not easy to call, but here is the city center, next door is a five-star hotel. Xia Siyu was still making trouble, and said with a calm face: "If you make trouble, we won't go back."

Xia Siyu smiled, and responded to him: continue to break two buttons.

Bo Yan pulled her up and walked to the hotel next door. Fortunately, he hurried back by plane and took his ID card with him. When he arrived at the hotel, he snapped his ID card and bank card to the front desk. When he wanted to talk, Xia Siyu posted it.

The lady at the front desk asked her: "Miss, where's your ID card?"

The thin response: "Wait a minute."

He touched Xia Siyu's body, Xia Siyu was already ticklish, and squeaked as soon as he touched him with a smile, and the whole person fell on Bo Yan, almost unable to stand.

The lady at the front desk was also kind. She probably smelled the alcohol on Xia Siyu's body, and asked with concern: "Excuse me, this lady...Are you voluntary?"

Xia Siyu raised her eyebrows: "I'm his wife! Why are you not convinced? Do you still need to see the marriage certificate? Otherwise, we will live in another house!"

"No no……"

Thanks to the interruption, and the time is too late, the front desk did not pay attention to the information of the customers who checked in. After completing the procedures, Xia Siyu still rubbed Bo Yan, who was embarrassed and excited, so he had no choice but to pick her up and walk quickly to the elevator.

When he arrived in the elevator, Xia Siyu was not honest, and no one was nearby. She simply dared to reach into the collar of the thin shirt and spread wild on his flat chest. Bo Yan watched the elevator move up quickly, his Adam's apple rolling. As if waiting for a century, he finally waited until the elevator reached the floor. He rushed out with Xia Siyu cannonballs, quickly scanned the floor number, and rushed to his room.

Running madly all the way, he finally reached the door of the room. He put Xia Siyu down first, took out the room card and swiped the door open, and put her in again. The door card was not inserted into the switch, so I felt the dark and took her to the bed to lay down...

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