Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1441: Start shooting (5)

Xia Siyu also had fans before. When she first debuted, she was an idol, but her reputation collapsed once four years later. The previous pure jade woman did not stand, and a large number of fans ran away. Later, under Huixing, she continued to give her a straightforward and domineering personality, and the movie was good, and she gradually regained her vitality.

But last year, she was scolded for too much, and many of her fans were off fans. Those who haven't taken off the powder dare not fan out. Although the situation has now turned, it is impossible for those who have defaned to come back right away. Star chasing is a gas, if this gas leaks in the middle, it is almost impossible to continue to follow up.

However, Xia Siyu's fans who can resist these waves of impact are absolutely **** and absolutely die-hard, and her new movie "Shounen 2" is also good at the box office, and fans are happy.

And the powder male celebrities are not the same as the female celebrities. After all, the fan circle of star chasing is a matter of girls. Men seldom spend large sums of money on memberships, peripherals, concerts, and statistics for the sake of chasing stars. Girls chasing male celebrities are chasing male celebrities as "boyfriends", so they will ask some idols to stay single. But it is different for girls to chase female celebrities. They are the career fans of female celebrities. My sister has no filming this month, and she doesn't enter the group for variety shows every day. They are more anxious than the stars themselves. Female celebrities are not very angry when they fall in love. They become mother fans, but they must find a good brother-in-law who can "deserve" my sister.

Bo Yan and Xia Siyu came out to film, Xia Siyu fans were happy, and Bo Yan fans were miserable.

However, there are more happy fans, that is their CP fans.

This is a match between Bo Yan and Xia Siyu. If you count variety shows and dramas, that's five combinations. In more than two years, the partners have played five times, and the two parties are not from the same economic company. There is only one possibility for such a high frequency of play: they are really in love.

Even in public, Xia Siyu and Bo Yan still don't pay much attention to each other. Even in public interviews, Xia Siyu still expresses his "dislike" towards Bo Yan. However, when the two of them were photographed together last time, neither of them came forward to explain.

Of course, for fans, not acknowledging it can conceal their disapproval. But without explanation, it is actually the default. And it was when Xia Siyu was hit to the lowest point by public opinion, Bo Yan also played a drama with her. Now that he is the director, he still wants Xia Siyu to be the heroine.

For a while, in addition to some of the main themes that Bo Yan participated in the filming, there are also some special movies that are out of favor. He has never been suppressed. Although he was the director, screenwriter, and lead actor of "Sunrise", he gave it up to Xia Siyu.

After the news came out, a lot of Bo Yan's fans have been shed. Fans also wrote a few thousand-word essays with sincere feelings to describe their star-chasing experiences over the years, and finally left a few words "not worth it".

For every dime you give your idol flower, your idol will turn around and hold it to his wife. Every time you leave an insulting comment on your woman's Weibo, your idol may have to coax his wife, and call you stupid behind you don't know.

You think you get up and down in the morning and go to the airport to pick up your idol, he will be moved. In fact, he might be picking up his girlfriend, and he thinks you are bothersome.

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