Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1447: Start shooting (11)

What it feels like to marry a rich woman back, this is how he feels.

Xia Siyu also said: "Don't be too happy. My old lady pays money and has people. You have to make this film of me. If you make me lose money and make me unable to win the prize, look at me. How can I clean up you when I come back!"

Bo Yan heard her say this, and the pressure suddenly increased: "This...The film hasn't started yet, how do I know what it will look like?"

Of course he hopes to be able to shoot well. If he is an actor, he will be very confident, but he is a director, the first time, he is always a little hand-made. And it costs money and rewards.

How many big directors can't balance the literary and commercial films, let alone a newcomer.

"I am optimistic about you!" Xia Siyu was full of confidence in Bo Yan. She read the script, and according to the script honestly, the effect should not be too bad.

She said: "Actually, when we watched movies when we were the audience, we would not watch so much art or art at all. The first time I saw it, the story was wonderful and the narrative was smooth. The first time I could not finish it. , I also analyze what art is not art. After reading it for the first time, I want to go back and analyze it, and then I can feel that there is no deep meaning inside. The lens does have language, but if it is to show off skills, for the sake of what philosophy in my heart It is not worth the loss if you have to realize this false idea."

Hearing Bo Yan, he was silent. Indeed, when he first started as a director, he thought about a lot of dazzling techniques, such as what is the end of the shot, what shake shooting, and black and white effects. However, what Xia Siyu said was quite right. Of course, the remake must be new, but if there is no special artistic pursuit, it is the easiest choice to honestly follow the script to shoot.

"However, "Sunrise" has already had a movie, even though it was a work decades ago. If it is to be filmed, it must be adapted."

Xia Siyu nodded: "That's for sure. What is the adaptation, in my opinion, is that Yuan Zhen wrote the first draft of "The Story of Yingying", and Wang Shifu adapted "The Story of the West Chamber". "The Story of the West Chamber" is better than "The Story of Yingying". The plot has improved? This is a good adaptation. Yuan Zhen is a great talent, and many of Wang Shifu's descriptions are also processed on the basis of Yuan Zhen. So do you think your screenwriter is better than Cao Yu? Do you want to change his originality? On the basis of the kernel, of course you can change it. If you can't change it, just use the original words of Mr. Cao honestly. It's not shameful."

After all, "Sunrise" was written by Cao Yu. Even if limited by the limitations of the times, there may be some expressions that seem a little critical now, but this is still a master of literature. Adaptation is okay, don't lose the kernel for show off.

Bo Yan did fall into the quagmire of adaptation at first, and went astray a bit. He wanted to distinguish his work from his predecessors, and it was not easy to shoot a new idea for a familiar work. But Xia Siyu's remarks made him realize that maybe he doesn't need to be so complicated at all, shoot honestly, and embrace the original if he can't figure it out. Unless you are Tsui Hark, don't mess with other people's original works, you will be sprayed to death.

After thinking about this section, looking at Xia Siyu, he almost felt that this guy was completely reborn. Who would have thought that Xia Siyu two years ago couldn't even understand a piece of classical Chinese.

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