Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1449: Sunrise (1)

Xia Siyu is the person who likes to dance on the tip of a knife the most. What she is best at is to pull people until they can't take care of themselves and then leave, watching you sulking in the same place. When she finished speaking, she immediately got ready to get up. When Bo Yan came over, she had already rolled over and jumped under the bed: "Of course it is-who knows who counts."

When she was speaking, she didn't stand in the original place, but ran while speaking. Her choice was correct, because Bo Yan quickly caught up.

When Xia Siyu ran to the door, Bo Yan followed him like a shadow. Just now Xia Siyu was careless, and rolled out of the bed from the side, just turning inside. To go out, he had to go around the foot of the bed to get out, giving Bo Yan time to pursue it. She opened the door, and his arm supported the door panel and closed the door.

Xia Siyu was unavoidable, twisted his body, and happened to face him face to face.

"You are insulting my reputation. I want to prove my innocence." There was only a dim night light in this room, and the dim light added a bit of ambiguity. Bo Yan was still asleep, his hair was a little bit exploded, and he didn't have time to take care of it. He was a little more unruly than usual. The upper body moved a little closer to her, and the voice deliberately leaned toward her, like the low-pitched sound of a cello.

Xia Siyu chuckled, just as Bo Yan's face was about to approach, she lowered down like a fish, avoiding his "attack". The body flashed flexibly, and quickly got out of his "encirclement circle". Unfortunately, Bo Yan stood at the door, and she couldn't escape.

Bo Yan didn't panic as expected, he turned his head and locked the door. Of course, if Xia Siyu wanted to escape, he could escape, as long as he reached the handle and twisted it slightly. But a twist is equivalent to spending a little more time.

Xia Siyu hurriedly shouted: "Help, help!"

He smiled and walked towards her: "Sell, no one will come to rescue you if you call the throat broken. — Don't call it ‘broken throat’!"

Xia Siyu guessed the next step by him, and hurriedly admitted his mistake: "Well, well, you are not a silver pewter spear head, you are a donkey, and you are a donkey all over!"

Bo Yan was too lazy to listen to her nonsense, the spring night was short, and it was already past twelve. He hugged her directly, Xia Siyu twisted and didn't cooperate, Bo Yan simply squatted over, carried her up, turned and threw her back to his bedside: "That's not very good, is it a mule or a horse or Donkey, pull it out for a walk."

Of course Xia Siyu quit, she supported his lowered chest with one hand: "Bullish, I don't think it's right. You watch this movie, and I pay for money, people, and effort. Moreover, you may not be able to shoot. Come out the effect I want. That's fine. You have just fallen into the quagmire, and I have to comfort you. Now I am responsible for sleeping with you-I am too bad!"

Bo Yan was not in a hurry, she pushed him aside, and he sat on the spot, taking off his shirt. During the recent period, although he has been rushing around for investment, he has also lost a lot of weight because of his lack of diet. Bo Yan has always exercised a lot. This is slightly thinner and has more obvious muscle lines.

"That's no way, marry a chicken and a dog, marry a dog and a dog, you are on my thief boat, and you want to jump into the river to escape?"

Xia Siyu still pressed against him: "Who said I can't jump into the river to escape, I can swim."

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