Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1452: Sunrise (4)

But after filming, returning to life, waking up again and returning to each other, after experiencing short-term separation and short-term “free”, they will love each other more.

Of course, there are also some people who are not sure about it, and they do not distinguish between people and dramas, and they end up doing improper things. Many loving couples and couples are separated more or less because of the problem of "gathering less and divorcing more" or empathy. Fortunately, Xia Siyu and Bo Yan both experienced the pain of separation in their childhood, and they were proud and picky. Unless they can find a better "substitute" than their deity, they will empathize with their love. But even if they are not in love with empathy, the quality of the two of them will spread out, and for example, a peaceful and friendly separation.

After all, one cannot guarantee that he will remain unchanged for the rest of his life. Maybe you like to eat pineapple today, and you like something else tomorrow. A decent end is already a good ending.

However, at present, the two of them will not have this "decent" ending at all.

After all, Xia Siyu had steamed soy milk, but not as breakfast, but directly upgraded to lunch. Moreover, she was also taken care of by Bo Yan and took a shower. She was also given a whole body of horses and chickens.

Also, Xia Siyu has paid out 20 million and is already a contributor. He didn't care if he found Li Yiru's friendly cameo, he should indeed confess.

After lunch, Wei Jingjing and Song Fengzhi came to pick them up. Bo Yan still has business in the afternoon, so he has to stay in Yancheng for one night, and Xia Siyu can set off first. Although the two acquiesced in "socializing" with each other since they were filmed a year ago, there is no need to get off the tongue and continue to add KPIs to the paparazzi, causing a war between fans.

Xia Siyu's plane in the afternoon and Bo Yan's plane in the evening, the two arrived at the shooting base one after another. Other people here also arrived one after another. Although Bo Yan is the chief director, the team borrowed from Yu Fenfei, so Sun Wujiu will come over to help him this time. Coupled with the director and screenwriter of the drama team, fortunately, people on both sides know each other, and there are blunt words to communicate in the middle.

This time the actors are basically all actors in the "Sunrise" drama, except for the newly added Li Yiru. However, after experiencing great ups and downs and even having children, she seems to have changed a lot from the past. Joining this team did not act as a demon, but instead offered some insights. Although it may not be adopted, it is obvious that she has read the original, watched the drama, and carefully studied the script.

The filming hasn't started yet, and everyone feels like reading the script during the first meal, and the atmosphere is pretty good. Moreover, Bo Yan obviously adopted Xia Siyu's suggestion. The focus is not on showing off skills, but on making the story more exciting. Just like Bai Juyi, every time he finishes writing a poem, he will read it aloud to some illiterate old women until they can understand it.

It's vulgar and elegant, in fact, it's often just in the middle of a thought, and it's the same when filming.

When the screenwriter, director and female lead actress are both husband and wife, it is relatively easy to make drama announcements and personal publicity. Bo Yan and Xia Siyu had discussed in advance how to publicize the launch ceremony tomorrow. As for Li Yiru, just let her go, even if she continues to step on Xia Siyu to make publicity, they don't mind, the heat that is torn up is also heat.

But the opening ceremony still caused a little trouble...

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