Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1455: Sunrise (7)

"This question..." Bo Yan took the microphone and smiled, "It has nothing to do with the movie."

He just doesn't answer, it's your business how you want to play. Anyway, it is impossible for him to admit directly.

The reporter has never met such a male celebrity. Generally, after being hammered, he will admit it honestly or deny it quickly. It's better for him not to admit it or deny it.

Of course, he is the top class, and he doesn't want to admit that there is nothing wrong with the collapse of the house. It's just a little unaccountable-the audience is just a little weird, fans want him not to admit, passers-by want him to admit. Admitting it is afraid of collapsing the house, not admitting it feels unaccountable.

So they turned their eyes to Xia Siyu again. As we all know, Xia Siyu has always been scandalous, and every scandal is vigorous. With her personality, it is impossible to be an obscure woman behind someone, she will definitely speak out.

A reporter asked: "Si Yu, I remember you originally said about your mate selection. You said you don't want to marry a rich family."

Xia Siyu nodded: "That's right." She herself is a real wealthy, the daughter of the Xia family. When she gets married, she doesn't mean marrying into a wealthy family.

"I also said that you don't like men who are not responsible and candid."

Xia Siyu tilted her head and pondered. Has she ever said this? She had faced too many interviews before, and for a while she remembered so clearly, what the other party said, she also nodded: "It seems so."

Indeed, she does not like a man who is not responsible and candid.

The reporter smiled and asked: "If you are in a relationship, you will definitely say it."

Really not.

Although she was scandalized, she was false except for her flimsy words. So far, I have talked about such a relationship, but it happened to be hidden by her for eight years. She is the kind of person who likes to discuss unimportant matters casually, and hide important private matters in her heart. But now, she smiled and said: "I think, there have been a lot of scandals..."

Neither denied what the reporter said, nor did he admit it. Anyway, the reporters step by step, she also induced smoothly. She didn't lie, she did have a lot of scandals. It's just that the romance doesn't talk about it.

The reporter was really induced by her, but he was still tempting the enemy to go deeper: "How do you think of the teacher?"

Xia Siyu said: "The job is responsible, and sometimes the requirements for the job are almost strict. When I am unsmiling, I have a lot of knowledge. It may be because of my university teacher's background. Sometimes I am a little better teacher."

It's all about work. The reporter asked: "What about in private?"

Xia Siyu thought: "I take good care of everyone, and I am very friendly to the staff. For women..."

Reporters want to know this answer! Xia Siyu also paused deliberately, as if to lose his appetite. Then he said: "It's quite cold. The feeling of Gaoling's flower, I think it is a very good woman who wants to pick him." For example, me.

The reporters didn't answer it in one breath, almost vomiting blood. They also asked: "Do you know what kind of woman Teacher Bo likes?"

Xia Siyu looked strange: "What kind of woman does he like, just ask him?"

Although Bo Yan likes her, she has many advantages. Who knows what Bo Yan likes? She also rubbed her elbow and said, "What kind of woman do you like?"

The thin words are serious: "I like beautiful and big breasts."

Li Yiru, who was also big breasted, shrank his shoulders in embarrassment.

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