Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1465: Drama eyes (5)

It's not that the external release type is not good, and it must be exploded when it should break out. But the ninety minutes of the movie, it is impossible to be in the explosive stage all the time. There are dormancy, ups and downs, and the after-rhyme at the end. All these stages require delicate and rich hierarchical transformation.

If you think about it this way, although her performance in "The Tempest" is indeed a little better than that of Shang Feier, it also takes advantage of the character set, and it is her face. Her face will be the focus in any movie unless she deliberately pretends to be ugly. She has more tension and vitality than Shang Feier in the breaking out of the scene. However, with some delicate transformations, she is a little bit stiffer than Shang Feier. It's just that she was too shocked when she appeared, and the audience ignored those details and only saw her face and performance.

Bo Yan felt the subtle sense of disobedience, but after all, it was his first time as a director, and he didn't express it in the first time. But obviously, both he and Xia Siyu were aware of this at this time.

Xia Siyu has a good shelf, and she has practiced her manners, and she has read the script for a long time, which can be considered as a pile of shells. But she was still too simple. In this movie, she has to wear off all her sharp edges, and only rely on her subtle expressions, slight fluctuations in tone and few movements to express the emotions of the characters.

After all, Chen Bailu in the drama at this time is already a few days away from the countdown to suicide.

Moreover, Bo Yan and she have a feeling that if Xia Siyu can squeeze the characters down and express this taste completely through a little detail, the three Chinese awards in the future will definitely be in her pocket. From the outside to the inside, this is a big breakthrough that will give her acting a qualitative leap.

This kind of mention, in fact, directors of other crews will also require actors in this way. This is why some movie celebrities, who are very brilliant in the movies, have their faces on the floor when they play TV series. Because TV drama directors seldom get to this point, they can't shoot one piece dozens of times. If Xia Siyu were to act in a TV series, the one just now must have been 100% over.

It is a good thing that the director can grind, if it weren't for the thin words to be the director, Xia Siyu had just gone crazy on the set, and he would even be listed as a drama master. In the future, the director may no longer teach operas, and the next part of the play will not find her again. This has improved her, not deliberately looking for faults.

However, this is her husband, even if she doesn't care, she wants him to coax!

So she snorted and ignored him. Bo Yan asked her softly: "Do you want to go back, adjust and start again?"

Xia Siyu snorted again and turned his head to the other side.

Bo Yan got up: "Okay. Then, you take a break first, and I'll call my little aunt to act."

As soon as he finished saying this title, Xia Siyu raised his head and glanced at him, with a puzzled expression in his eyes. Bo Yan paused and said, "Not the little aunt, but the little aunt? No, it should be the little aunt?"

Xia Siyu only heard it now. He was talking about Li Yiru, and his face couldn't be stretched instantly.

Bo Yan also pretended to be serious: "What a laugh, if we have children, then she will be a grandmother."

Li Yiru is less than thirty years old, and she will be a grandmother soon. Thinking of this, Xia Siyu wanted to hold back a smile, but still couldn't hold it back, and laughed hahaha.

With this smile, the cold arrogance she had just forced to dissolve.

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