Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1470: Drama eyes (10)

Before I knew it, the tension seemed to disappear all at once.

It was about to start shooting again. Xia Siyu hadn't finished eating that big lollipop, and it was crumbling from her bite. The wooden stick could not support the crumbling candy. She cautiously handed it to Wei Jingjing with a tissue underneath, and said, "Put it away, I will continue to eat it later."

Wei Jingjing looked at her with disgust, and she almost turned to the sky. But at any rate, she was still filming, and she didn't say anything, so she withdrew after receiving the lollipop.

After the adjustments are made this time, Li Yiru's appearance is different. Before the door knocked, she could hear her laugh outside. The voice was hearty, and there was a sense of publicity that Wang Xifeng didn't see him when he came on stage, but first heard his voice. When she really confronted Xia Siyu, she also took the feeling in the play and wrote the words arrogant and arrogant on her face.

Finding the feeling, she is also quite confident. At any rate, she has been mixed for so many years, and she has really gotten up. She is not much worse than Xia Siyu!

Xia Siyu on the opposite side, indeed, just like what he said, to restrain the light, and not to exude too much in every move. Li Yiru was confident that she wanted to suppress her aura as soon as she appeared. Although the first few oolongs, but now she is playing very well. She has watched "The Tempest", Xia Siyu is very eye-catching in the scene of the outbreak, and can attract attention in an instant. But what about this daily conversation? She now has the advantage of being released and must not be suppressed by her!

As expected, Xia Siyu was completely different from the silly person who ate the lollipop just now, with a small smile, a soft and clear voice, and little fluctuation in his tone of voice. When he bowed his head, raised his hand, and drank tea, his movements were also very elegant. She is arrogant here, and Xia Siyu has a quiet time over there. Time seems to show two different rhythms in the same picture. Grandma Gu Ba is hot and hot. However, Chen Bailu seemed to have set 0.5 times the speed, speaking and acting very softly. But the strange thing is that this kind of sentiment does not feel fragmented at all, but there is a strange sense of collision.

Before he knew it, Li Yiru also forgot the idea of ​​competing with Xia Siyu, and forgot to use his momentum to overwhelm others. The two of them handed over each sentence, frame after frame, one fast and one slow, and it was incredibly harmonious. When Bo Yan yelled "card", Li Yiru didn't even notice that this one had been filmed.

Generally, there are very few movies ever. Even if the actors perform well, some of the lighting and photography need to be fine-tuned, or for the needs of the later stage, it may take more than one shot.

Li Yiru herself was a little surprised, she shook her head, no, she had to bring her momentum a little more. What she wants is not evenly matched, what she wants is to act vividly in every moment of her appearance. So she started shooting again, and she performed it again in her own way, with some enhancements.

However, just playing with Xia Siyu is like being dragged into the track of time. Obviously, the rhythms of the two people are different, their spirits, spirits, and thoughts are different, but they don't feel stagnant. She feels very comfortable in acting, and she can act according to her imagination. The tone of every word and every hint of smile are under her control.

But as soon as she looked up and saw the opposite, Xia Siyu took it all, like a martial arts master, no matter how she moved, she had no way to resolve it.

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