Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1478: Play is like life (7)

Xia Siyu is good, and the conditions are limited, it is impossible to provide any essential oils. Bo Yan was also afraid that if she really had it, massaging her belly would be bad for her health, so she avoided pressing her chest and abdomen, just to smooth her legs and feet.

Xia Siyu lay on the bedside, hugging the pillow. Even if she lay down, she was not very honest. Her head moved from left to right for a while. Neither of them spoke, but the air still smelled of spicy squid.

After a long time, when Bo Yan's hand reached her knees, Xia Siyu said dullly: "Bo Yan, do you like children?"

Bo Yan was stunned for a moment, his pressing hand stopped for a while, and then he said, "How can I say it, not annoying. I also look forward to it. However, if I were to change my role now and upgrade from husband to father, I would Ask yourself, am I ready? Can I really take on the responsibility of being a father? How do I raise him. Many parents may not even think about how to let their children come, but think that they should be at this stage of life. With a child, the child is born. But in the process of parenting, it is very irresponsible. I don’t like this."

Xia Siyu did not answer after listening to it for a long time. After a long time, she said, "Do you know what you are saying, when you are lying, you especially like long talks."

Bo Yan was stunned again, he asked: "Is there?"

Xia Siyu let out a "hum", and didn't know if it was Tsundere or nodded. After a while, she said, "I'm sorry."

Her voice was not small, but she was very determined. Bo Yan's heart shook slightly, and then he smiled quickly: "You don't need to say I'm sorry. Just now you said I lied, but what I said is the truth. I am indeed not ready to be a father now. And, if you really want children So, at least we have to quit smoking and drinking, eat scientifically, and adjust our bodies to the best to welcome the new life, right? You called Wang Zisu and Chen Fan to drink at home last month. Did you forget? "

Xia Siyu ignored these explanations and just said: "If this is true, I will buy the medicine and deal with it as soon as possible. Don't blame me for being cruel, I said before that this is not my plan. Even if you ask me, I won't Softhearted."

Some people value their family very much, while others value their career. This is a matter of personal choice. She will not mock Li Yiru for leaving the little life behind. Similarly, she will not shake her own thoughts.

She has a calm voice, clear thoughts, and she speaks sensibly word by word. But if there is one, this child belongs to her and Bo Yan, and even if she wants to deal with it, she will speak plainly to Bo Yan.

The movements of Bo Yan's hand became slower and slower. He did not answer her right away. Instead, he thought about it for a while and then nodded: "I know. If you don't want it, deal with it sooner. The sooner you deal with it, yes. It’s a good thing for you and your child. Don’t worry about me, I don’t have such a strong idea of ​​inheriting the lineage."

Xia Siyu turned her head and looked Bo Yan's eyes squarely. He also smiled and stretched out his hand to help her stroke the messy hair on his forehead: "After all, you are the one who will spend my life with me in the future. After the child grows up, he will leave us to live independently after all."

Xia Siyu didn't lie on her stomach this time, she just sat up and reached out and hugged Bo Yan.

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