Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1481: Found (2)

Accustomed to Xia Siyu's violent execution of everything, when she suddenly heard her "Brother Yan", her goose bumps started to get up. He turned his head and said, "Can you stop calling people like that? Speak well."

Xia Siyu's fingers were still restlessly dropping: "Then teach me how to speak well, Teacher Bo."

The teacher yelled so tactfully, Bo Yan grabbed her restless hand abruptly, as if he was about to shake it away, but he didn't shake it away, but tightened his grip. Suddenly, his upper body slammed close, as if to approach her.

But at this time, Xia Siyu stretched out his legs and gently pressed against his abdomen, preventing him from getting close, then tilted his head and cast him a wink: "No."

Bo Yan was stunned, only to feel that Xia Siyu's toes were lightly stepping on his lower abdomen. He remembered that this guy bought a test strip for pregnancy test. If you really have it, even if you have to give up later, that will be the next thing, and it definitely can't be done now.

So this guy knows clearly, and deliberately teases him, just to see how angry he is and can't kill her.

This time, he really stuck a mouthful of old blood in his heart, and threw away her hand angrily: "You can play slowly by yourself, I'm going to wash it."

Xia Siyu was bullied for this reason, and it was almost the point. She didn't continue to toss him, and honestly went to the bath to wash. When he got back to the bed, Bo Yan had already lay down first, he really didn't use a pillow yet.

As soon as Xia Siyu got into the quilt, Bo Yan turned her head and closed the door, lying with her back facing her, naturally refused to give her a pillow with her arm.

Xia Siyu didn't say anything to him, except that her legs were tilted and placed directly on his legs, sleeping in a very arrogant posture.

Bo Yan slid outside and her leg fell off, but Xia Siyu was not discouraged, and then leaned in and put her leg on again.

The two of them set up one by one, Bo Yan was forced to the edge of the bed by her, and couldn't help but get up: "Sleep!"

In the darkness, Xia Siyu smiled lightly and grabbed his arm: "Sleep." Then he leaned his head, and then raised his leg shamelessly and put it on him.

Bo Yan said: "If you want to sleep, be honest, go back and lie down."

Xia Siyu obediently let go and pushed the pillow over. Bo Yan didn't refuse her pillow this time. The pillow was filled with the scent of her shampoo. She recently changed to a fragrance with a sweet orange flavor. Xia Siyu stuffed his head into his arms again. This time, the legs didn't catch up, but the whole person squeezed into his arms, satisfactorily found a comfortable posture, and fell asleep in a second.

Bo Yan looked at Xia Siyu's sleep peacefully, not laughing or crying. This guy, when he did evil, looked like a little devil, but calmed down and looked like an angel. However, she did not look like a mother.

Don't say whether you want it or not, just say what kind of little dumplings a tiger mother like Xia Siyu will teach. In case he was another demon king like her, he would be tired enough to deal with her alone, and deal with another one, it would definitely be a nightmare.

Let's test it early tomorrow morning. If it's false, it's true... It's really necessary to plan early. Although miscarriage is no better than confinement, it also requires a period of recuperation. In addition to keeping up with nutrition, work must also be arranged in advance.

Fortunately, he is the director and has absolute control. It is not easy to coordinate and schedule if he is replaced by other people.

Still, go to bed early. See tomorrow...

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