Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1483: Found (4)

Xia Siyu looked up: "To be honest, when I came out that day, I said my period came. Are you disappointed?"

What Bo Yan said before was false. When she went to the test that day, Bo Yan's expectant and nervous expression was true.

After all, if you are really pregnant, this is his flesh and blood. Even if he agrees to shed it, his heart will not be without fluctuations. Human nature, if he doesn't react at all, it is a pill.

Bo Yan flicked her forehead: "What are you thinking about. Isn't that good? This shows that we have no fate with him yet."

"What fate, are you not an atheist?" Xia Siyu retorted. In fact, before the test, she felt a little bit unbearable. If there was an accident, she would have to-do it herself and kill him in the cradle.

"Don't think about things that haven't happened." Bo Yan's expression was indifferent.

"If... What if I am really soft-hearted for a while?" Although she said that she would never let this unformed little beanie affect her, it is still a life after all, and the child's father is also the one she likes. She may not be as decisive as she thought.

Bo Yan said: "If you can't bear it, I will do it."

Xia Siyu looked up at him and touched her head thinly: "I said before that if I want to have a child, I will be the best prepared to give him the most stable environment, so that he can be brought into this world. Come on. If you are not ready, I don’t want to let him come in a daze. If you just feel soft-hearted for a while and regret it later, it’s better than I help you solve this problem first."

Xia Siyu asked: "Don't you feel bad?"

"Distressed." Bo Yan nodded, "But, should things be prioritized. Children are very important, but there are more important things than children."

Xia Siyu did not speak, leaned on him again, and said for a long time: "After 30 years old, regardless of whether my bet with Shang Feier is lost or lost, I will try my best to change myself. The play is still to be taken, but not I will be so urgent, I only take a good book. Some business, I don’t want to go, and I don’t participate in activities. I am 30 years old. I really should take good care of it and wait for my body to recover. If, at that time... we If you haven’t separated, you can also consider doing some decoration at home."

He was speechless: "What separates at the age of 30? And why do you need to renovate? Are you not living well now?"

Xia Siyu shook his head: "No, there is no baby room, and no playroom. Wouldn't it be troublesome if there is a need? I originally wanted to say that if I had money, it would be better to buy a larger house. But aren’t you poor now? You don’t have any funds for filming. Maybe we won’t be able to get back the money we invested. In the future, we have to rely on filming to support our family. We are going to buy a new house, a bigger one, which is not cheap in Yancheng now. . And if the security measures are good, the house will be more expensive. You can't afford it either."

Bo Yan was sometimes poked by her, not knowing whether to be angry or funny. This guy doesn't think about business all the time, and thinks about some weird things every day: "Take a good rest. After the filming is finished tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I have to ask for leave."

The day after tomorrow, not only is it a flimsy word, but Xia Siyu also has to leave. It is "The Tempest" to sign up for Cannes.

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