Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1489: Travel Law (2)

She also smiled back in French, and the other party was obviously inviting her to participate in the gesture. She just smiled, then replied, politely restrained and refused.

Bo Yan was a little surprised beside him: "Do you know French?"

"Only a few simple sentences. French and Italian are a bit similar. If it is an interview, a little more words will be exposed." These languages ​​are all born out of Latin, and they are familiar with one. It is not too difficult to understand the others by analogy. .

"That's pretty awesome." Although Xia Siyu is still working **** the classical literature of the Huaxia Kingdom, she has lived in Sicily since she was a child and is very used to the language and customs here. I read a lot, I understand mixedly, and I feel like reading a good book without asking for intricacies. That is, recently, she has combined her own experience, so many years, so many countries, and so many cultural baptisms, all condensed and carefully studied, so she has made rapid progress.

Moreover, it is not only her acting skills that have improved, but also her personality. If it had been two years ago, when they had just come to Sicily to do the variety show "Flowers and Grass", he would be sure that Xia Siyu would definitely abandon him and go to play with the group of people.

Now she obviously wanted to play ball too, but she obviously resisted it.

Because Wang Shi and Shang Feier are said to be coming soon. And what happened on the plane just now, she also felt that she should be a bit low-key, too ostentatious, it will attract a lot of attention.

But Bo Yan could clearly see her eager look. He smiled and said, "You can go if you want to play."

Xia Siyu really wanted to play beach volleyball. When I was in middle and high school, many of my classmates just set up nets on the beach and sway them wantonly. Don't be afraid even if you fall, the ground is full of sand.

Xia Siyu turned around and asked him: "Are you with me?"

Even if you are not very proficient, you can still serve the ball with a simple jump shot. But he smiled and said: "Go, I am not very convenient. And we both go to play, and Wei Jingjing will see it later, and I will scold you again."

Since the two of them were filming together, Wei Jingjing took control of Xia Siyu, and inevitably took the lead to Bo Yan. Xia Siyu has the personality of a sky-sweeping monkey, and he will fly into the sky by accidentally kicking his feet. She not only caused trouble by herself, but also demolished the house with her flimsy words. Eat supper secretly, go shopping secretly, and accidentally cut the large size on Weibo.

Xia Siyu played alone, and he could still help out by the side. Both of them went to Sa Huan. If they were photographed or seen by Wei Jingjing, they would not be able to eat.

Thinking of Wei Jingjing, Xia Siyu stuck out her tongue: "That's it."

She was originally wearing a light dress with leggings inside, so she was not afraid of running out. He took off his high heels, sunglasses, and mask. As soon as his face appeared, the players who played the ball whistled again. Xia Siyu also smiled and trot all the way, skillfully teeing off the ball.

Although she hasn't played sand platoon for a long time, she has always exercised, has speed, strength, and response power, and she is also playing the same way.

Bo Yan watched by the side, helped her guard things, and waited for someone by the way. Soon Wang Zheng and Shang Feier came, and they also brought along photographers who were taking pictures. Just as Bo Yan was about to call Xia Siyu back, the photographer gave a "hush" and quickly raised the camera to capture the scene where Xia Siyu jumped up and hit.

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