Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1494: Travel Law (7)

Especially Shang Feier, she and Xia Siyu are in the competition, she has already occupied the advantage, leaving Xia Siyu not many opportunities.

She knew that Wang Shi seemed to be casting a new role for a new play recently. The heroine of Wang Shi, even if she has been two times, she doesn't mind being the third one. Is Bo Yan trying to help Xia Siyu win the opportunity?

Wang Shi was obviously also a little curious: "Oh, really?"

Bo Yan smiled: "If Director Wang has time, he can come and visit the class in person. You can tell at a glance how she is acting. In the future...maybe she will go further than me."

He was very sure. Xia Siyu's acting skills conquered the entire crew on the first day, and even someone like Li Yiru was shocked by her. Although she still has some details that are not perfect enough, she is still very young, she is only in her twenties. Putting aside the thirty-year agreement between her and Shang Feier, she still has a long time to go on her acting career.

Wang Zheng really asked casually at first, but when Bo Yan said that, he did arouse a little interest: "Okay, then I have time to check it out."

"Can I go too?" Shang Feier also aroused interest. It's just a visiting class, and it's not the only thing between couples. Friends and relatives can also do it.

Bo Yan did not refuse, he nodded: "Before you come, report in advance. As long as you don't reveal the original film."

She was not spying on the enemy. Performing this kind of thing is not a contest. If you are strong, I have to figure out a way to restrain you. Since ancient times, it has been said that Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second. She watched the drama played by Xia Siyu last year and listened to what Bo Yan said. Although she is now shooting a movie of that drama, is she acting better?

She looked at the back of Xia Siyu being dragged away by Wei Jingjing and cursing. I never thought that this guy had made such rapid progress in just two years. But it's not a big deal. When she confronted herself in "The Tempest" two years ago, she faintly crushed herself. Two years later, the ups and downs of the world may be more condensed, right?

However, he will not lose his fighting spirit. Xia Siyu is strong, she will also become stronger!


After all, Xia Siyu was changed into sportswear by Wei Jingjing. Before going to exercise, he took a look at the news. Fortunately, there was no report on the illegitimate chase today. Then he was taken to the gym, stretched and warmed up, and was forced to go to the battlefield.

After running for a while, the treadmill next to it started running. Xia Siyu thought it was Wei Jingjing, and told her, "Bring me a towel."

After speaking, there was no movement next door for a long time.

Turning his head to see, it was Bo Yan, and he also changed into a sports suit.

Xia Siyu was a little touched in an instant, Bo Yan still turned to her, and ran with her at night.

Seeing Xia Siyu looking at him, Bo Yan still looked calm: "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a handsome guy?"

What Xia Siyu wanted to say, the next second, Bo Yan threw his towel on her panel and said coldly: "Don't disturb me exercising."

Is Xia Siyu a bad temper? She quickly pressed the "+" key with eyesight and hand, and she increased Bo Yan's speed to the fastest all the way. Bo Yan ran all the way, but he didn't breathe much. On the contrary, it was Xia Siyu, who felt particularly tired when she ran. He looked down and said that the **** quietly adjusted the **** of her treadmill to a super high level.

Come on, hurt each other!

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