Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1502: We are back (1)

The next circle of those who were waiting to see the results and mocking her, at the moment of the network card, couldn't help but start scolding their mother.

What the hell, is the European network so unsmooth? I took off my pants, so you just show me this?

Even if there is a delay, it won't be delayed for this reason. The audience watched the screen on the mobile phone and kept freezing the scene of taking the list. But even if they stretched their necks to the old man, they couldn't see what was behind the paper.

After waiting for almost half a minute, the audience was still frozen in circles, and the audience was mad, the barrage flew up, and the comments below were also scolding.

However, when the following returned to normal again, there was still a stalemate there. Also, every time the list is announced, one or two sentences are not allowed. Few award-presenting guests just pick up the name and read the name directly.

At this time, it was the stage of reciting the names, and the live camera had to do something, and the faces of each candidate stayed for a moment.

Xia Siyu didn't know, anyway, she also felt that it was impossible for her to win the prize. It was pretty good to be able to come over today, so when she was photographed, she was talking to Bo Yan with her head tilted.

The camera cuts right to the point when she is talking to Bo Yan. Bo Yanfen immediately jumped out and cursed in the barrage: "Stay away from my brother!"

"Teacher Bo is really miserable, Teacher Bo..."

Before the voice was over, the picture suddenly froze, and the winner was announced: "Siyu-Xia."

As soon as the sound fell, there was a "???" in the barrage, and then another "!!!"

Everyone didn't react at all. After these two episodes, there was a joyous voice in the barrage:


"Fuck it actually took it."

"Why not Annie Beta?"

"The owner who copied the ID is crazy, thousands of floors."

Not to mention the shock inside the barrage, even the scene is the same. The first person whose smile disappeared instantly was Annie Beta. She felt that the winning prizes had actually flown. Moreover, it was still lost to the guy who was on the red carpet behind her!

Xia Siyu was also stunned. She happened to chat with Bo Yan, her hand was still waving, and she hadn't reacted when she announced her name, and almost choked with a mouthful of water.

The first thing that reacted was Bo Yan, immediately grabbed her waving hand, and then hugged her in his arms: "You won the prize! You made it!"

He didn't dare to hold it too hard, and knew that countless shots were looking at them, and he released it after holding it. Then I learned how many French stars did, and kissed her face to face. If possible, he would rather kiss it directly.

His wife is great, she plays well! Sure enough, some people are not blind, and some people see her efforts!

After the close kiss, he released his hand and looked at her with joy and pride.

Shang Feier next to her was indeed surprised. She also got up and hugged her, smiling: "Congratulations."

Although the two are competing, they are abroad, a team is a team, of course they have to cheer for their own people.

Wang Shi also came over, instead of hugging her, just holding her hand: "Congratulations!"

Xia Siyu was a little relieved now.

This is the first prize in her life! She didn't expect it at all! She debuted for eight years, although her popularity has long been top-notch, she has never won an award, and she did not expect the first award to be Cannes! Although it is a female match, it is also Cannes!

She, she had eaten at noon, her teeth hadn't been brushed yet, and she had never thought of accepting the award!

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