Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1506: We are back (5)

She only knows this sentence, just like she could only read the first sentence of "Wen Xin Diao Long" because of her calligraphy practice.

"The pastor said, when you go out to meet with people in the future, just say this, and just practice the standard. Anyway, I can't talk deeply with others."

When Xia Siyu said this, he was really taken aback.

No wonder, there are seminaries in Europe now that teach authentic Latin. The so-called pretend, if you can say that, it is enough to pretend. Who can talk to you in detail about the things in public is better than many people in one sentence.

This guy is really...

Although Westerners will not think you are awesome just because you say a standard Latin sentence, they will still get closer, especially in a place like Cannes with a strong literary atmosphere.

To win their respect, you must first be strong enough.

However, it is still possible to bluff the domestic gangsters.

After taking a bath, blowing her hair a little bit, and tidying up her clothes, Xia Siyu lay on the bed sheet and said, "Husband, help me squeeze my shoulders."

Bo Yan nodded, just turned around, and when he looked back, this guy was already asleep.

The trophy was placed on the bedside table next to them, and it was placed with her water glass, which didn't mean to cherish it at all. In fact, when Xia Siyu got into the car, he immediately threw the trophy aside: holding Shen.

Before taking the trophy, everyone wanted to take it into their arms. But after getting it, it's just a heavy object, and she doesn't want to wipe it with a towel eight hundred times a day, and place it in the cabinet cherished and importantly. Although honor is honor, it is over when it passes. She has to look forward to the next one.

But this guy slept too fast. Bo Yan originally thought that this was the first time in Xia Siyu's life that he won an award and would not be able to sleep. But the actual situation is that she fell asleep as soon as she touched the pillow, without even the slightest hesitation.

Like him, when he got the newcomer award and the first actor, he also watched the trophy for a long time.

Bo Yan looked at her sleeping face-this guy didn't know what dream he was doing, his little tongue was still licking, it seemed as if he hadn't done it yet. It's not like memorizing the award, but rather memorizing the Sicily group. He is funny and proud, and it's good. Only a heartless like her can really make a film without thinking about it.


Xia Siyu slept peacefully here. Despite the time difference, according to the time of China, it was just early in the morning. However, Xia Siyu got the best female partner in Cannes and was still on the hot search every minute.

This hot search, she didn't spend money to buy it, it was purely natural heat. There is also no current limit on the platform, and soon this hot search rushed to the first place.

Everyone can see how Xia Siyu played in "The Tempest". It's a pity that because her reputation collapsed last year, Jin Feng didn't let her be shortlisted, and Jin Ao gave it to others.

Although there were a lot of sunspots and mocking her at the time, both Jinfeng Jinao's awards were very unfriendly to her. In fact, there was a little rebellious voice. Now it's all right, and it's Cannes directly.

Although it is a female match, it is also a female match in Cannes. And it was after defeating Annie Beta's prize, and the momentum was up.

Although the audience requires the artists to have a sense of morality, they also want to be strong. Not to mention that Xia Siyu's reputation has already been reversed before, even if it has not reversed, with Cannes, she can walk sideways in China.

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