Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1511: New article

Bo Yan said, "Huh?" He turned his head and glanced at her: "What's wrong with the man's eyes?"

Xia Siyu got up immediately, and she held Bo Yan's arms and shook her all the time: "Of course it is excellent. Of course, a perfect person like me also requires perfect vision. You see, Yushu is in the breeze, suave, suave... …If you were shorter, uglier, and almost stature, I would have kicked you a long time ago, can I still keep you here?"

Possibly speechless: "Cooperating with you to find a husband is to find a good-looking?"

Xia Siyu looked strange: "Otherwise? If I find an ugly man and give birth to a baby who looks like a father later, won't I be questioned about my plastic surgery? Then I am grateful!"

Bo Yan also asked: "Then do you have any other advantages besides thinking that I look good?"

This can be a problem for her. Xia Siyu let go of his arm, frowning and thinking bitterly, and from time to time he scans his whole body with his small eyes, and only after a long time said: "My'Xia Siyu special dog tag' belt It’s also pretty good. As long as it's public, I will remove the dog tag and change to another dog."

Bo Yan laughed blankly, "You can't expect me to be good? Are you complimenting me? I think you are scolding me."

Xia Siyu sighed: "Is it okay? That's right. These years, men have cheated too much. Those who have money will pay, and those who have no money will have to save money. Loyalty is obviously the most bottom line obligation. It is considered to be the most important sign of a good man. Someday when a woman goes out to play casually, it can be said that she has committed the mistakes made by all women in the world. If she is not talked about, that is social progress."

Bo Yan squeezed the tip of her nose: "The breakfast you ate, the coffee you drank, and you kicked the quilt to cover for you at night, and the messy room you messed up was cleaned up for you. Isn't it all me? There are also reading and calligraphy. I will help you choose the script and act in a rival drama with you. I will take a shower and wash your hair. Before you take a break, I will help you to kill a horse. You have no conscience, so forget about it?"

Xia Siyu slapped his hand and immediately retorted: "I can order takeaway for breakfast and coffee. Wei Jingjing can also help me organize the room. Don't you practice the opponent scene? We are going to act in the opponent scene. As for the horse and the chicken, I will I'm not embarrassed to mention it, you said it was a horse killing a chicken, where did you touch your hands in the end? It makes more fun when it comes to taking a bath. Every time you talk about taking a bath, it must end up...oooooo..."

Xia Siyu didn't finish the rest of the words, and was covered by the thin words.

In a foreign country, Song Fengzhi did not drive and the driver did not come. It was a local driver who drove. However, Song Fengzhi was also in the car. Hearing this, Bo Yan looked at his shoulder twitching slightly from the rearview mirror, feeling that he had to endure particularly hard, and he almost laughed.

Even if the driver doesn’t know them, don’t worry about it being passed on by the paparazzi, but it’s better not to say this kind of private talk.

"Oh!" Xia Siyu took a bite and bit directly on the palm of Bo Yan's hand covering her mouth. Bo Yan was in pain, so I had to let go. Just as Xia Siyu was about to talk to him, Bo Yan suddenly spoke to her in English: "Is it my own business between men and women? Don't you enjoy it too?"

Xia Siyu showed off a handful of foreign languages ​​this time, which gave him inspiration. In the future, he can use English to talk about this topic. The driver tried before, but his English was not fluent. Song Fengzhi's English is not good, even if he listens with his ears upright now, he probably can't understand it.

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