Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1513: New article

This question is a little bit esoteric, and neither of them said anything.

After arriving at the destination and getting out of the car, the two of them stopped arguing, adjusted their emotions and started to work.

No matter Bo Yan, Xia Siyu or Shang Feier, shooting commercials are all familiar. The three people arrived at the hotel, took a break, changed clothes and makeup, and went straight into the studio to start shooting.

Take some fixed-point photos in the evening, and change your clothes for street photos tomorrow. Foreign advertisements especially like to let the artists walk directly into the street, put on their usual clothes, and blend with the surrounding environment, with a sense of substitution. Han Yifan returned from Bordeaux when the fixed-point POSE filming was finished in the evening. The return time is relatively late, foreign and domestic are not the same, there are basically few restaurants open at night. Even the hotel where I stayed has no meals, only the bar has wine and snacks.

It just so happened that there was a party here tonight. Xia Siyu has always been a personal madness, drinking and singing and dancing, and instantly took off his jacket and dived into the dance floor. She still wanted to turn her head back to pull Bo Yan, but Bo Yan was lacking in interest in what she said today and didn't want to move. She stretched out her hand and directly dragged Shang Feier down.

Shang Feier rarely danced in China, and she did not expect Xia Siyu to pull her down. She looked back at Han Yifan. Han Yifan also smiled and did not refuse. So the two women hid on the stage. Han Yifan and Bo Yan sat at the bar below, looking at the stage from time to time while drinking.

After drinking for three rounds, Bo Yan and Han Yifan both sighed with worry.

Han Yifan said: "I really envy you. You have long been locked up with Xia Siyu. I got the certificate and got married, so I don't worry that my family will oppose it."

And he is different. Although Shang Feier's image and reputation are not bad, the Han family is still a little dissatisfied with accepting an entertainer from the entertainment industry. In recent days, the Han family is also helping him to see the candidates for his daughter-in-law. If there is a more suitable candidate, let him go on a blind date.

Fortunately, he doesn't inherit the family business, otherwise he won't be **** by the family. But even so, your parents still help you arrange lifelong events in the name of being good for you.

Bo Yan drank a glass of wine and didn't know what to say. Especially this kind of words, he was too embarrassed to mention it to his brother. In any case, he didn't have the big face of Xia Siyu, and he dared to ask him for a neon ***** observation last time.

Especially, even Xia Siyu said that his hardware conditions are good, but the software needs to be strengthened urgently. What did he say, really look for Han Yifan to observe and learn?

Moreover, it is also possible that Xia Siyu took Cannes and received attention again. Although he is indeed happy for her, he is proud of her. But looking at others' brilliant success is two different things from your own brilliant success. After all, men are not women. Women can willingly become the harbor behind the outstanding men, but few men want to become the harbor behind the outstanding women.

Love is not going well, career... is a bit worse than wife, it really doesn't feel good.

The two sighed at the same time and took another drink.

The most important thing is that when Han Yifan went to the bathroom after drinking for three rounds, the driver who drove was also drinking in the bar. He happened to meet Bo Yan and said to him in not fluent English: "Hey, buddy, don't be discouraged , Your hardware is good, and you have surpassed many men. Learn more and do more, you will succeed."

Thin words: "..."

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