Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1515: New article

The paparazzi never expected that they were not dealt with by the staff around the actors, but were overwhelmed by the hotel management staff, and were thrown to the police. One of them is still a college student, for fear that he will leave a record and will be sent back to the country-just like the illegitimate student, he was frightened.

After all, the laws in foreign countries are not the same as those in China. In China, you may have domestic violence. As long as you don't treat people as disabled, or even make trouble in the police station, it will be solved with the mud. But abroad, if you dare to commit domestic violence, and if you really report it to the police station, you will indeed be treated like jail for losing money and repatriation.

Fortunately, there was a reporter who really got a press card, and he had to deal with him and released the person. However, by the time the person was released, it was already thirty-six hours later. It was said that they had finished shooting the commercial. Departed to the airport.

Of course, the paparazzi will not be reconciled. They finally caught the celebrities. How many celebrities fall in love are in foreign countries, and not many people are staring at them, but they are photographed. Although the two of Xia Siyu and Bo Yan did not deny it, they did not admit it either. If there is conclusive evidence, it must also be a headline.

Therefore, they also arranged people at the airport. Anyway, they are going back to China, they must take the flight from Marseille to Paris and then back from Paris. No matter what, the airport in Marseille will definitely catch people!

Of course, these are things to follow. Xia Siyu and Shang Feier had fun that night. Xia Siyu didn't mention it. She was always the kind of person who was crazy when she was playing and couldn't keep her mind. In the end, she could only be dragged away by Wei Jingjing. As for Shang Feier, she is rarely so indulgent. After all, he is a star, and countless people are staring at you in every move in the country. There are assistants, bodyguards, curious onlookers, and paparazzi everywhere.

Whether you are shopping for dinner or watching movies and having fun, you must always be careful, even if no one sees it, there may be surveillance.

It's different abroad. She felt that way last time when she went to Sicily for variety shows. Although the locals know that you are filming the show, they don't know it, nor do passersby. Even in the Chinese area, it's freer than the domestic feeling of starring over the moon.

There is no one who does not desire freedom, ordinary dignity, just because they have to be strict with themselves in that environment, but it is different when they are abroad.

When leaving the scene, Xia Siyu was still sweating. She also said casually about the quarrel with Bo Yan in the afternoon, and didn't take it to heart. Bundy had forgotten it early. When they are on the stage, the two can also twist together. After they get off, they will break up and find their own boyfriends. Bo Yan-well, anyway, under normal circumstances, he can't see his expression, so he picked up Xia Siyu. Although Han Yifan was a bit depressed just now, fortunately, he does not inherit the family business and has freedom. Now the problem between him and Shang Feier is not only the problem of his family, but also on Shang Feier's side. Even if his family was extremely welcome, Shang Feier would not marry.

Xia Siyu wants to pursue a career, and so does her. Although the average female artist is going downhill at the age of 30, it is the average female artist. She didn't want to waste time to get married and have children. Han Yifan couldn't wait, so she quickly said goodbye, and the next one would be better.

The current female stars are different from those of the past. They sharpened their heads and wanted to marry into the rich. Now the female stars are the rich. Whoever asks is not always certain.

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