Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1531: Documentary (7)

The human heart cannot withstand temptation, nor can it withstand repeated use. In fact, she doesn't dislike others using herself, and she doesn't have to say thank you every time. What she dislikes is that she has done a lot for others. On the surface, the other party thanked you gently and softly, but secretly laughed at you as a fool, and then used it again when encountering new problems, repeating the cycle.

When Zhou Weiwei went to Huixing smoothly, and after she came out from Huixing again, the two of them completely broke all contact. Of course, she had to break the connection, she was afraid that she would continue to return Huixing and **** her "First Sister Huixing" back again. For the sake of resources and hype, there are more and more ugly girlfriends in the entertainment circle, and they are never the only ones.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of friends in her current life. Even when she is not working, she has a fulfilling life every day. Reading, studying, watching a few documentaries with your husband, is it not good to study the origin of life?

She and Zhou Weiwei, it should be said that it is not as simple as losing a friend. But finally seeing the other person's true face, and then gradually moving away, is something that should be celebrated.

She didn't bother to pursue the favor she had given Zhou Weiwei in the past, and hope she can do it for herself. She just wants to have a clear conscience anyway.


Standing on the balcony, Xia Siyu kept turning his fingers around the tea cup. After thinking, Bo Yan finally cut off the scene.

She played very well, and Li Yiru's cooperation was better than the flamboyant appearance during the rehearsal. But just now Xia Siyu flicked the phonograph and changed the clip a bit. Although the camera caught up and the shooting was consistent, he still asked the two to take another shot or two. In addition to walking the machine again, I also prepare more shots so that I can use them later when I'm going to make them.

I took another shot, Xia Siyu played as always, and Li Yiru also found confidence. Although the emotions of both parties were very ups and downs, both of them did well. They were relaxed, not exaggerated, nor calm. They used the position and the handheld camera to expand the sense of space and did not appear monotonous.

After two times, Bo Yan was finally satisfied: "Good job."

Next to him, Wang Shi also smiled and said, "Good job."

However, his praise was not only for the two actors, but also for blunt words.

He watched the whole process that Bo Yan just directed. The control, the mirroring, the pictures, and the final imaging are all good. Although it can not be said how unique, but every move is very solid. It can be seen that he has indeed studied seriously, and his previous directing experience has also given him some confidence and inspiration.

He has also seen the storyboard of Bo Yan's painting. In fact, just by relying on the storyboard, you can feel the director's skills. Now when shooting movies, beautiful pictures are only the most basic, the key is to tell the story well. Use mirrors, lights, furnishings, music, clothing and other different states to show it.

I haven't seen the editing in the later stage, and I still can't feel the final effect. However, judging from the current situation, although Bo Yan is still groping and learning, he has already shown a certain talent.

Directors are even more talented than actors. There are some amazing directors who turned out to be born on one or two films, but they quickly fell away because they had no inspiration. Even he himself felt that not only had it passed the peak period, it would be difficult to create a glorious future, and he had not even cultivated an apprentice.

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