Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1547: Dream (8)

Bo Yan was surprised: "Where did this come from?"

Xia Siyu smiled triumphantly: "I took it from the banquet while Wei Jingjing was not paying attention."

"What do you take, you are stealing!" The thin words were speechless. For Wei Jingjing to lose weight, there was no food or alcohol in the room, just because she was afraid that she would secretly ingest it at night if she couldn't control it.

"Didn't you pay all the money? You pay the bill and I have one more. What's wrong?" Xia Siyu raised her eyebrows, "Would you like to drink, if you want to drink, don't be so nonsense."

Bo Yan nodded: "Since you have taken it all..."

"Good." Xia Siyu came up and hurriedly took two cups, one person poured half of it. After thinking about it, he poured more one cup for the other, and then handed the less cup to Bo Yan, and took the bigger one by himself.

Bo Yan said: "Kong Rong doesn't let Li understand. I'm older than you, so I must drink more."

Xia Siyu looked contemptuously: "It's just your small amount of alcohol, and you still drink a lot. I also think that you are in the room now, and it doesn't matter if you are crazy about drinking, otherwise you won't have to drink such a little!"

Bo Yan's vest of "Midsummer Misty Rain" was all gone, and the only thing that didn't peel off was that he was actually not drunk in a thousand cups. He easily gets on his head when he drinks, and his face flushes as soon as he gets up. In order to take advantage of her, Xia Siyu remembered that she deliberately pretended to be drunk after drinking a little bit. Every time he goes out to dinner, he will "take care" of him.

"Then what should you do if you drink edema? Wei Jingjing will find out."

Xia Siyu was still proud: "I have frozen the ice just now, and I will get up tomorrow morning to apply ice."

The ice is well done, and it can also provide skin care, which can kill two birds with one stone. It's a pity that things like popcorn are not very convenient. It seems strange to have some peanuts and spicy duck neck when watching this kind of film.

The two went on to watch. This episode talked about history, starting with the original totem, then ancient Greece and Rome, some archaeological materials-archaeological brothels, and some poetry works handed down, as well as interspersed with some shooting related Historical film fragments. Starting from ancient Greek myths, it was a mess. Excluding mythological stories, some archaeological data also show that there were brothels and some unique props at that time. Then comes the Middle Ages, the surface depression, and the more chaotic relationship under depression. There are a lot of chastity props, and there are also many fly camp dogs hidden under the monastery.

Later, when the Renaissance just began, the novel at that time, it was a glorious thing that the male lead could sleep in the wife of the lord. The society would not reject it at all, but it was regarded as a special book to show off. Many novels reflect such stories, not only the previously mentioned Decameron, but also the Three Musketeers. Encourage openness and promote love and freedom.

Fortunately, after a period of supplementary lessons, Xia Siyu's current level of education has risen sharply. She grew up in the West again. Even though she hasn't read many books, she has heard of it, and it sounds very interesting. I have read some Ming Dynasty novels before, and now I have made up for the lessons of the West. Xia Siyu suddenly felt that his theoretical knowledge has increased greatly.

After learning the theory, I naturally want to practice it. Especially after drinking more than half a can of beer, it happened to be slightly drunk, thoughtful, and want to do bad things.

Looking at it, her paw stretched out unconsciously. At first it was placed on Bo Yan's leg, and then gradually moved up...

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