Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1552: Recovery (5)

I didn't expect that the last acting with her was two years ago. In two years, she has grown so much. There is a faint aura of lifting heavy weight.

Also right, apart from Bo Yan training her day and night, she has experienced a lot of ups and downs in the past two years. It's just that some people are overwhelmed by these experiences and feel helpless. Or even if you get through it successfully, you will be exhausted. If you live a little bit harder, you will of course become old.

Only Xia Siyu like this, who doesn't care what other people say, and living happily, will absorb nutrients from such an experience and have a more glorious life. Thinking about her fighting against Wei Jingjing before, and grabbing a delicious face of happiness, perhaps she really complied with the old saying: stupid people have silly blessings.

"Shang Fei'er? Shang Fei'er!" Xia Siyu said aloud, and Shang Fei'er reacted and turned to look at her: "What's the matter?" She lowered her head and glanced at her script again, "I was talking about matters needing attention. ?"

Instead, Xia Siyu looked at her with a confused look: "Why are you looking at me all the time? There were vegetable leaves between my teeth when I was eating at noon?" She took out her makeup mirror and glanced at herself carefully: "No."

She glanced at Shang Feier again in confusion, then looked at Han Yifan behind her, and stopped talking. If you hadn't had a boyfriend, I would have doubted your intentions toward me. My orientation is normal, I don't want to be nice to you!

Bo Yan coughed: "It's nothing, just act like that just now. When you start shooting, the answering is a bit slower. Is there any design?"

"No. Just... I may not be familiar with the script, so the mood is not very good."

"Oh, then pay attention later. It's not a big deal, just keep shooting." After all, Shang Feier is a friendly cameo, something that doesn't require money, and there will always be less demand.

She started shooting again, and she quickly plunged into it. One is lively, one is cheering, one is provocative, and the heroine is free. A table of mahjong was photographed in intrigue. Needless to say, Xia Siyu, Shang Feier quickly followed up after adjusting his mentality. Li Yiru didn’t want to be left behind. There was another brand player, another of the drama "Sunrise". Although the heroine of the version is not well-known, she plays drama all the year round and her acting skills are guaranteed. There are also men and servants watching the battle, bright and lively. But when the camera turned around, at the same time, not far from downstairs were the poor "small things" sold into the brothel and the dumb boy selling newspapers.

After the filming of this scene, Shang Feier's mission was completed. She took off her costume and didn't even have time to take off her makeup. After changing her clothes, she was ready to leave to catch the evening flight.

Tomorrow morning she will have a trip in another city. Wang Zheng has already left by noon, and she will also set off.

Han Yifan and his assistant had already gone to the hotel in advance to help her pack her things, and the car drove directly to the outside of the studio and picked her up and went directly to the airport. It just so happened that it was dinner time, and Bo Yan asked, "Are you in such a hurry? How about eating dinner before leaving?"

After all, he had to be polite to trick her into filming and confiscated the money.

Shang Feier saw Xia Siyu holding a bowl and looking at the play, she smiled: "It's okay to keep me for dinner, but my friendship show has ended, now is the normal settlement time. My time is about one hour two. One hundred thousand, thanks to your patronage."

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