Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1560: Injured (1)

This scene is an outdoor scene, and it needs a high-hanging Wia.

Xia Siyu played the big villain, in addition to being a master of the court, but also martial arts. Xia Siyu is equal to one person playing a triangle. First, the woeful concubine who is under one person and above ten thousand people. Second, the gentle and graceful ladies in front of the male protagonist. Third, the leader of the Forbidden Army's hidden guard, a legendary man with extremely high martial arts.

Of course, for such a high position, she usually doesn't have to go out in person, and is usually handed over to her deputy. Only the trickiest and most secret task, she will kill it herself. And when she plays as the leader of the dark guard, she usually wears a mask to avoid being recognized.

This scene of the supplementary filming was the first time that she appeared under the command of the dark guard and killed a courtier who had been opposed to her. On the way back, she met the male lead, and her mask was scraped off by the branches, giving a glimpse of her.

Because of a one-sided relationship, the hero later saw her injured, so he would take care of her.

The supplementary shot was a glimpse of her mask being shaved off when she turned her head.

Difficulty is not difficult, highlighting her beauty and martial arts. Xia Siyu was originally beautiful, and it was not difficult to perform martial arts high-strength. Wia slammed, and the martial arts instructor guided a few handsome postures, and then he was able to catch it. Xia Siyu originally learned to dance, and the difficult postures are nothing to her. Even if she turns somersaults in the air, she can turn it beautifully.

However, this is the first clear day after the rain.

It is difficult to lift large-scale equipment. Hanging Wia must be very high, and the danger will increase. Xia Siyu has to put on thick costumes, hot and sweaty in the summer, and his face is because of the small fan. He didn't sweat much, but it was uncomfortable.

Wang Zheng told her about the drama, and the martial arts instructor told her how to fly, what angle, and what posture. She hangs on Wia for a while, and then gradually raises you up to the target point, and then looks back.

Because the director wanted to capture the feeling of looking back while moving at high speed, he also took her to "fly" for a while.

The first time I went up, I didn't master the speed well, it was too slow. The second time, it was too fast, and she passed by before she could react. The third time, when she turned her head, the branch didn't scrape her mask, but instead hit her in the eye, almost poking it in the eye. Although Xia Siyu closed her eyes in time and suffered no injuries, she also scratched her makeup.

She hurried down, and a bunch of staff gathered around to watch. Wei Jingjing felt distressed: "What's the matter? Do you want to see it, it's all bleeding."

Xia Siyu's face was calm: "It's okay, I didn't get the eyeballs, so I got my eyelids. It's enough to stop the bleeding. But this is estimated to be covered with more concealer."

"When are you still thinking about filming!" Wei Jing died of anger. She is already a fan of mom now, and she can't bear any harm to her "daughter" at all. But she was not good at arguing with Wang Zheng, so she had to say, "Don't shoot if you are injured."

During the course of speaking, the blood had stopped, after all, it was just a bruise, how big can it be. Xia Siyu didn't care: "It's okay, just a small wound. You may not find it if you don't look carefully. I can go straight to the acting with a little concealer. Besides such a small matter, it will be very shameless to make a fuss.

Wang Yan was also very happy to hear that. He was indeed a little guilty just now. After all, he called Xia Siyu back to make up the shoot. Now many celebrities have refused to agree. After three days of delay, she did not make a fuss. Now I have some injuries. The current celebrity will cry about his "dedication" after rubbing his fingers. What's more, what's the situation now?

Xia Siyu didn't care: "Let's go ahead, hold Wia a little bit later, try to avoid eyeball contact with branches."

And she was really anxious, and wanted to go back to meet Bo Yan soon. It's been a long time since I met.

While she was touching up her makeup, Bo Yan was sending her a message: "Are you still filming?"

Xia Siyu nodded: "It rained for a day yesterday, so I couldn't take the location. Now I just went down. Director Wang said, I will be more handsome."

Not to mention the fact that she was scratched in her eyes by a branch just now. Such a small matter is not worth mentioning to her. She jumped over the cliffs and ran through parkour. How dangerous is this?

"Take your time, don't worry, let the avatar take the position first, confirm the position and then go up."

"Don't worry. Little things." Xia Siyu didn't care. She had indeed worked in more dangerous jobs and was not too worried about such small things as Wia.

She put on makeup, and Wang Zheng told her again before she went up. Once I went up, the performance was good this time.

The next group of people clapped their hands, but Xia Siyu himself was not satisfied: "Is my clothes not elegant enough? The expression seems to be normal, right?"

She came back all the way, and she didn't just fool around twice, she would definitely have to take a good shot, so that she was not in vain for three days of delay.

"Okay, that's another one. This one has been tried once again."

The one just now is not impossible, some lenses can also be used.

Xia Siyu then went to Wia again and took a pose. Wang Zheng shouted: "All departments are ready!"

As soon as Xia Siyu took off, she felt a pulling force pulling her. After receiving her experience, she intuitively felt that her clothes were entangled.

After all, it is about ten meters high. If anything happens, it will be too late for rescue.

Sure enough, the people below also exclaimed: "Clothes! The clothes are curled up!"

Xia Siyu also hurriedly set a proper posture, but fortunately, the clothes were not rolled up much, just a little bit with them.

The props hurriedly put people down and apologized. Wei Jingjing also rushed up and said to the people: "How did you do it? Is it okay to "pay attention next time" for this kind of thing? It's all desperate work. If you accidentally kill someone, just so casually? "

The other party also knew that he had done something wrong, and he kept apologizing. Xia Siyu didn't say anything to him. After all, the prop artist seemed inconspicuous. If it was still a tedious job, it might be even more dangerous in the future. She has avoided it, but it's hard to say whether someone will be so lucky next time.

The costume was abandoned and the makeup was completely ruined. It was noon, Xia Siyu simply stayed for lunch, rested for a while, and changed clothes and put on makeup again.

Xia Siyu didn't finish work until the sunset. Even if she was full of energy, she couldn't hold Wia who had been hanging for a day, and she couldn't open her eyes when she came down. Wang Shuo nodded repeatedly: "Very good, very good!"

Xia Siyu just said: "Take me more handsome!"

When she left, her back was still straight, and as she walked towards the nanny car, she asked, "Are there still tickets for tonight?"

Wei Jingjing feels distressed: "Would you like to leave before taking a rest?"

Xia Siyu shook her head and pulled the door. As soon as the car door opened, Bo Yan was inside!

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