Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1563: Injured (4)

Xia Siyu looked happy, and the feeling of life and death was completely forgotten. She immediately asked: "Then I want to eat grilled lamb chops! Put more peppers!"

Thinking of the lamb chops sprinkled with cumin and chili noodles, the oil was so delicious that the delicious taste almost swallowed the tongue.

Wei Jingjing did not object. Xia Siyu usually eats weight-loss meals, as well as beef and mutton, but the grilled lamb chops are obviously fat.

Forget it, she is rarely frightened, just eat it!

Seeing that she had no objection, Xia Siyu went on to take it one step further: "Bake me a pig's trotters again. The taste is the most delicious if you braise it first and then roast it!"

She looked back at Wei Jingjing's eyes and gave her an explanation with a grin: "I almost got involved in the injury just now. I always said to replenish the shape, where to eat, I want to replenish the body."

Wei Jingjing said, "You can give her another brainstorm."

Xia Siyu also nodded: "Yes, yes, make a spicy one, put more millet peppers!"

The saliva she said almost came out. He also explained: "I really almost got my hair caught just now."

Wei Jingjing said coldly: "Yes, stupid like pigs, eat more pig brains to replenish your brains."

No matter how stupid Xia Siyu was, he could hear the difference, but fortunately, Wei Jingjing scolded her. She served all the grilled lamb chops and grilled pig's knuckles she ordered, and she really had a bowl of brainstorming.

Xia Siyu said with a smile while feasting, "It's nice that our house is quiet."

Wei Jingjing pouted her lips. If it weren't for weight loss, she would have to eat cheats. She would never allow her to eat indiscriminately.

If Xia Siyu were to order food by herself, it would not be a cheating meal every week, but a cheating meal every day—not the brain, but herself.


After lunch, Xia Siyu put on a spare costume again, her hair style was reorganized, and her makeup was renewed.

During her makeup, Wang Shi found a stand-in to walk around, tried the angle again and again, adjusted the Wia, adjusted the lighting and photography, and waited for Xia Siyu to come up again when she was sure that it was completely safe.

By this time, it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon.

Fortunately, it is summer, and the sky is bright even at four o'clock. Because of tossing several times in the middle, Wang Zheng looked serious this time: "Go over it again! Take a good shot, try it again!"

In fact, even if he hadn't done it again, he wouldn't be embarrassed to stay Xia Siyu again. She had just discussed the booking time with Wei Jingjing, and he had already heard. After all, celebrities have notices, maybe there are other commercial activities that cannot be shied away, not to mention that she was almost out of danger just now, and she was already a lot of face if she was willing to continue shooting.

But Xia Siyu was quite serious. She was wearing a costume with a serious expression, and quickly leaped in the sky. His toes touched the treetops. After the shuttle, he seemed to see something. The moment he looked back, the mask was scraped off by the branches and fell on. On the ground, a surprised, calm and domineering face appeared. Even the eyes were indifferent and sharp from the beginning, and when they flew away behind, there was a trace of confusion, and the excessiveness was very natural. Even the flying hair and robes looked extremely elegant.

"Ka! ——" Wang Zheng called Ka. At first, he worried that Xia Siyu would not dare to move, but later found out that she hadn't done anything just now, and acted very naturally. The expression this time is even more perfect than the previous one: "Very good, hard work."

But before Xia Siyu's toes landed, she asked, "Is it okay this time?"

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