Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1572: New works (4)

Xia Siyu "cut", "You gave me a year and a half, maybe I wrote it all out."

Bo Yan is funny: "You? What are you writing?"

You know, Xia Siyu just took off the "illiterate" hat not long ago. She used to, but the famous "Nine Leaking Fish" in the entertainment industry, she couldn't read a book. Now although I have read a lot of books and learned a lot of knowledge under the guidance of Bo Yan, let her write articles? Will she?

Xia Siyu is full of confidence: "When the heat writes about myself. Why, my life over the past two decades has not been turbulent enough?"

In fact, she had quite a lot of ups and downs, and she met a scout when she walked. She became a hit during her debut. She fell to the bottom twice in the middle, and then gradually got up. However, it is not impossible to write an autobiography for yourself. Many stars in the entertainment circle write about themselves-it is hard to say how to write. Anyway, it is sold to fans, maybe they are not writing by themselves.

But if you want to turn these into scripts, that's not enough. After all, the script is something on another level. There is no emotion, only a narrative, and it is difficult to make a good script.

The good films made by the autobiography of those characters are basically not personally made by themselves, but by others. Only when they are interpreted from other angles can they be objective and profound.

"It's hard to write well by yourself. The main character of a movie will not be yourself, which is embarrassing. And there are some clips, if others act as okay, do you feel ashamed if you act yourself? Even if you are yourself, It's the protagonist, from the perspective of the onlooker, it's not impossible."

"On the sidelines? My life is subjective, and I don't need to be on the sidelines." Xia Siyu was ruthlessly killed, "And there is no one who needs me to observe and comment? Is there?"

She just said this, and suddenly shut her mouth.


It really does.

Even if she is such a confident and conceited person, even Bo Yan would not write him as the protagonist from the perspective of a bystander. She is a supporting role in filming like this. However, there is one person who is willing to play a supporting role.

That is her mother.

My mother is a dancer and a queen. Independent, autonomous, intelligent, and obviously a very good person, but emotionally full of twists and turns, and death was silent, even her husband did not accompany her.

Although my mother is no longer there, she can still provide nutrients. She is trying her best to master her acting skills and PK with Shang Feier. When she is facing difficulties, she will not be so confused and lose self-confidence when she thinks of her mother.

However, my mother did not get fair treatment, whether it was in rumors, in her husband's house, or even when her previous reputation fell, it also caused her mother to be scolded.

She wants to reverse the case. Since these years, in order to eliminate the influence, the Xia family has erased the traces of his mother from the society abruptly. I bought the copyright of her film, told reporters and the media not to report her, and depressed her sense of existence year after year. If it hadn't been for the paparazzi to pick up her relationship with her mother last time, maybe her mother would only be a vague name in the future, and no one would remember her.

But now, when she mentions her, there are only her "Guozhao rumors" and her "suspected junior high." Xia Siyu shouted a hundred words here, it is better to make a movie in person, put the things of the year in front of the public to comment, and come here with force.

Wasn't she just entering the entertainment industry to teach the Xia family a lesson?

Now, it's time.

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