Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1578: Encounter (2)

Xia Siyu didn't care, and she didn't care about getting revenge. To tell the truth, she is now in this position, unless she violates the law and discipline herself, unless she messes with the relationship between men and women, except for the three views, otherwise, who can shake her? Being stumbled by a villain is not as bad as she has been hitting several movies in a row on her own.

But there are always some very passionate guys in the fan circle who are sure that you are the opponent, and they will scold you non-stop every day. Now her comment area is still full of insults by Bo Yan fans. Although it is not painful to be scolded, she is not interested in scolding.

The young lady glanced at Xia Siyu, but fortunately she covered half of her face without recognizing her. The uncle also joined in: "That might be XXX, right?"

This, Miss Sister shook her head directly: "It should not be, he has no schedule today."

At this time, the three people present also remained silent for a long time. Xia Siyu patted Wei Jingjing's leg again: "Do you know who that person is?"

Wei Jingjing shook her head: "I don't know either."

Everyone in the seat was silent. As the plane just took off, the flight attendants came up and gave a wave of drinks and snacks. Before Xia Siyu had time to start, the curtain behind the economy class made a noise. A few people looking like little girls came in and swept their heads, seeming to be looking for someone.

Xia Siyu and Bo Yan are very familiar with this scene. Last time he was followed by an illegitimate meal on the plane to Paris, which was also the case. When his eyes fell on Xia Siyu and Bo Yan, he was taken aback.

Although Xia Siyu and Bo Yan wore T-shirts without any markings, there was no brand name on them. But after all, their body and temperament are there, and they know that they are beautiful little brothers and sisters at a glance. A little girl poked at the friend next to her, pointed her finger at her and said, "Is it him?"

Her friend glanced at him and said confidently: "No. Much more handsome than him."

Bo Yan has been in the entertainment industry for so long, and it is the first time that he has lost to someone else in China. When Xia Siyu looked at him, he had to smile, a little helpless in his eyes. But he didn't want to argue, and he wouldn't say anything, would he reveal himself when he said no?

The flight attendants also found them immediately: "Now the plane is still on the rise, please return to your seats, okay?"

The two little girls swept around and found no one, so they had to withdraw first.

If you don’t say blunt words, it’s okay to say blunt words than not the male star, Xia Siyu is still angry: "Damn, who is that man? My mother must find him out!"

Then go to him personally, bite his face! Even dare to say that you are more handsome than thin words, and do not see if you are worthy of it!

On current flights, many first-class business class models are connected to WIFI. Xia Siyu hurriedly took out his mobile phone to operate the operation, and be sure to find out the person by digging three feet in the ground.

The quickest way is to ask the male celebrity team, the second is to ask the sister who is following the film, and the third is to find the fans just now, Xia Siyu didn't want to. But she also has the means.

She immediately boarded WeChat, ran to the group, went directly to the group full of celebrities, agents, various directors and major film and television companies and asked: "Who is taking flight XXX today, from 6:30 to 9:00 in the morning, from Did city X fly to Yancheng?"

Early in the morning, many people didn't get up, especially those in the film and television industry, who came out day and night, but some early birds answered her.

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