Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1580: Encounter (4)

Regarding Xia Siyu's scandal, whether it was real or fake, whether it was a hype or a real matter, she didn't want to contact him more. I'm not very familiar with it at first, this "Seven Stars" debuted in the year she left the company. Although she worked as a trainee in the company for a period of time, she never participated in Huixing's management. At most, she could only "know the number of people" for her artists. The company wanted to sign a competition agreement with her and give her shares on the condition that she brought more artists with the company, but she did not agree.

But she didn't agree, and Zhou Weiwei certainly didn't. She will definitely seize every opportunity to take the position, and take the position of "First Sister Huixing" as soon as possible.

After getting involved with Zhou Weiwei, she didn't want to get involved anymore. Friends have been here for a few years, and they are dead in name. It's good to be so alienated and disconnected from each other.

"He doesn't understand the rules too much, let him come over and see you later."

Xia Siyu simply refused: "No. No time."

She was originally not a friend, and she left from Huixing. Although the two sides were "peacefully breaking up", but carrying such a big name on her back directly caused her to almost encounter Waterloo in her career. It was indeed because of Huixing.

Now that the situation has changed, she can ignore it, but she has no interest in continuing to cooperate with them.

Qin Baizhou didn't reply for a long time there, and it took a long time to reply "OK".

Qin Baizhou has always been around Xia Siyu from his debut to his popularity and subsequent development. In fact, people in the circle have also guessed about the relationship between the two of them. They all know that in this circle, "walking along the way" is a more rare honor than "forever forever."

After all, in this circle, there are too many temptations and conflicts of interest. The actors and agents who can go hand in hand all the way to the end, most of the agents are close relatives of the actors, such as the relatives of the relatives of the actor, the relatives of the mothers, the sisters, and the brothers. Outsiders can easily fall apart because of a major event.

This group of Xia Siyu is rarely used, if it were not for her strong curiosity, she would not come to this group to ask for news. But after knowing who that person was, everything was boring. I didn't even want to answer a polite remark, so I just wanted to leave.

However, the group did leave, but Qin Baizhou chased for a private chat.

Xia Siyu just got up to go to the bathroom at this time, Bo Yan was on the side, watching her cell phone ringing all the time. He and Xia Siyu had previously agreed that they would not interfere with each other's private lives. He never checked Xia Siyu's cell phone, and Xia Siyu never checked the post.

In their business, separation is commonplace. If there is no such basic trust, then there is no way for both parties to live together. Oh, of course, it's a different story for marriages that play their own roles and don't interfere with each other.

However, when Bo Yan sat in the position, the phone next to him kept shaking, but Xia Siyu was still not out of the bathroom, he glanced.

He really didn't mean it, but he did see Qin Baizhou talking to her all the time:

"It's been a long time, how are you doing lately?"

"It's great that you finally came out of the trough recently."

"Seeing your performance at Cannes, I am very happy for you."

"Although it is not a company anymore, it is still inevitable to see it in the circle in the future."

"I'm sorry for what happened last time, but I really didn't mean to hurt you. Will we still be friends in the future?"

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