Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1593: Twenty-year-old tail (4)

Although Xia Siyu is usually crazy and likes to play with everyone, occasionally, she would prefer to be alone.

This is the same as the attributes of an artist. On the surface, an artist is eager to show everything that he has. In the past, when communication was not developed, everyone would hide a part of themselves and only show what they wanted to show in front of others. But now it’s different. Communication is developed, and various variety shows are emerging one after another. From kindergarten to school, to love, to marriage, to having a baby, and finally mother-in-law, a variety of things can be made into variety shows. The celebrities no longer resist showing themselves, and even ran live broadcasts themselves to get in touch with fans.

However, the artist hid himself carefully. Even if part of it is shown in front of the camera, it may just be the persona she wants to show you. It's like an iceberg. You think you see the behemoth floating on the surface of the whole picture, but you don't know that below the sea level, there are more hidden.

The same goes for Xia Siyu. Normal life is lively and lively. There are a lot of agent assistants and bodyguards. When they get home, they are not alone, and they are accompanied by Bo Yan. The fireworks in the mundane world surrounded her vigorously, she was up and down inside, although she usually felt very arbitrary, but occasionally she was breathless.

But when one person is alone, there are also many people who care about it. For example, Wei Jingjing, she was the first to send: "Are you really going back alone? You didn't drink a bar just now?"

I always feel that she drank that fake wine, Xiao Tang was there just now, wouldn't it be right to send her back?

Xia Siyu replied, "...What do you want? There is no Ruiou in the office." Xia Siyu is greedy and greedy, and alcohol is also a calorie. Wei Jingjing took great pains to urge her to lose weight. I didn't buy her a cake for her birthday today-although she didn't like it either. But it’s one thing not to like eating, it’s another not to buy.

"Then what irritated you?" By now, Wei Jingjing probably also knew about her bet with Shang Feier. If Xia Siyu really wants it, it's not impossible to operate it, but doesn't Xia Siyu want to operate it? She felt it was a shame to win prizes by means of operation.

Then there is no other way, only resignation.

"It's nothing, I'll go back later."

"Oh, turn off the light in the office." Wei Jingjing gave her last order and stopped responding.

But right after that, the second call came in. It was from Wang Zisu: "Is it down?"

Xia Siyu looked sad and didn't want to talk: "Well, I am going home."

"Okay, rest early. Oh, by the way, happy birthday."

"Cut, didn't you say that I am one year old again?" Xia Siyu sneered, and Wang Zisu laughed and hung up the phone. In fact, she wanted to have a younger brother very much back then. There is no family planning in foreign countries. Many families have brothers and sisters, which makes her look like a little pitiful. Wang Zisu now treats her like a younger brother, and his hair is curly and soft, which is quite RUA.

There are still twelve minutes past the time of the birthday. Xia Siyu received the call again. She looked at the phone screen and Qin Baizhou called.

Last time, she seemed to give him face, at least when she went on hot search with that Xiaoyi, she didn't explode any ill-informed material, she was already benevolent and righteous enough. Why are you calling this time? Happy birthday to her? Or is she asking when she broke the news that his celebrity was really in love during the live broadcast?

Before Xia Siyu hung up, another call came in, it was Zhou Weiwei. Oh, it is estimated that she is going to settle the account now, she broke the story of people's love.

Sure enough, after Xia Siyu hung up, Zhou Weiwei immediately sent a WeChat message: "Happy birthday Siyu."

Xia Siyu didn't answer, just looked at the phone. Although the two have no longer contacted each other, Zhou Weiwei still sent her a message of blessings on Weibo last year. Weibo is all made for people to watch. She posted as she liked, but she didn't reply anyway.

Sure enough, Zhou Weiwei sent another message: "Did you just live the live broadcast? Did you talk about me being with him?"

Although Xia Siyu did not name her by name just now, it is well known that Zhou Weiwei is the only "female friend" in her entertainment industry. She said that her good friend is in love with the male idol, and they are still in a company, and this credibility is instantly high.

She looked at the phone screen for a while, and typed a few words casually: "I said it, so what?"

I just broke the news to others, what can you do? Come to explode me and Bo Yan?

Besides, she used to wipe Zhou Weiwei's buttocks so many times, but Li Weiyi carried it off by her. What is the revelation?

Sure enough, there was a pause there, and Zhou Weiwei immediately began to calm down again: "I and him are actually just trying to contact him, and the relationship has not been finalized. No matter what, I will always remember that you helped me in the past. of."

It turns out that you are not selective amnesia, Xia Siyu sighed. And "trying to get in touch", isn't it about P to be blunt? That's right, although she doesn't like that Xiaoyi, she asked Wei Jingjing to Baidu before. This is a rich second-generation family with a lot of money, which is in line with Zhou Weiwei's view of choosing a spouse.

She is more famous than others, and the other party wants to climb her to be more famous. But she also coveted the wealth of other people's homes, but she was a natural couple and suggested that she should be locked up.

"Oh, I wish you all a hundred years."

After Xia Siyu replied, she numbly pulled her black. At the same time, she also blacked out her mobile phone number and other contact information with one click.

She doesn't have the habit of picking up trash. Since she has to sweep to the recycling bin, it is better to clean it up earlier. There are still a few minutes, she wants to be alone, and does not want to waste precious time on these people.

She paused for a while before she got up. Before leaving, she turned off the office lights in accordance with Wei Jingjing's request.

Standing on a twenty-year-old tail, it seems, there is nothing special.

Her birthday was not a memorable day, and it was no different from the other three hundred and sixty-four days.

If the only difference is that when she walked down the office building, three minutes before twelve o'clock, there was a thunderstorm outside, and then heavy raindrops poured down without warning.

Her name is Xia Siyu. Although the girls of this generation are the generation of thinking characters, it is true that the year she was born was drought for a long time, but on her birthday, it rained heavily.

Although she is not as superstitious as in ancient times, her father thought it was a good sign that she was actually a child who was expected to be blessed, so she called her "thinking about rain."

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