Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1621: Gift of Love (6)

He stretched out his hand, with slender fingers, distinct joints, broad palms, and nice lines in the middle. Xia Siyu didn't need to hesitate, just put his hand on it.

The light is dim, and there is a faint aroma of wine in the dim light. The song, accompanied by the leisurely fragrance of wine, diffuses, the lyrics seem to be his heart at this time, and it is 100% close to Xia Siyu:

She-may-be-the-face-I-can't-forget She may have a face I can't forget.

A-trace-of-pleasure-I-regret. is the joy that I sigh for.

May-be-my-treasure-or-the-price-I-have-to-pay. Maybe it is my treasure or destined to pay.

She-may-be-the-song-that-Summer-sings. She may be a summer short song.

May-be-the-chill-that-autumn-brings. Maybe it's the mountain breeze in autumn.

My-be-a-hundred-different-things. Maybe it's a changing life...

It was sung by a man, with a deep voice like the low-returning melody of a cello, telling his love. Xia Siyu can dance, and so can Bo Yan. Before Xia Siyu danced a rumba to Bo Yan when filming "The Tempest", she also danced pole dancing and even ballet.

It just seems that the two have never danced together before.

Dancing is indeed a very magical sport. Two people are leaning face-to-face, completely exceeding the social distance of fifty centimeters. Put your hands together, face to face, in unison, breathing together. When she was about to get closer, the woman took two steps back briskly, pulling away. But when he was about to leave control, the man took the person back lightly and moved closer.

The living room is not big, and Xia Siyu cannot be rotated several times in total. The two of them had to keep leaning, pulling, hugging, pacing gently from here to the other side, and then back again.

The song has also reached the high part:

She-may-be-the-reason-I-survive. She may be the meaning of my life.

The-why-and-wherefor-I'm-alive. It is the reason and direction of my survival.

The-one-I'll-care-for-through-the-rough-and-rainy-years. It’s the only one I want to take care of through wind and rain...

Bo Yan felt that he was extremely timid and could only express his love for Xia Siyu through songs, which was still an English song. He is not perfect, and he cannot be like the domineering president in some novels. A single phone call can shut up the slanderous wives in minutes.

They are human beings, and they have a lot of helplessness and choices in reality. Even if it is made public and out of the circle, the discussion and speculation surrounding them will not stop.

Since I chose the path of artist at the beginning, this is what must be experienced.

He seemed to have nothing to help Xia Siyu do, the only thing he could give her was his sincerity.

The time of a song is not too long, only four minutes. When the four minutes is over, the big data has automatically jumped to another English rock song, which is not suitable for continuing to make dance music, so the two people stopped.

Then he opened his hand lightly, and then took a half step back.

In private, they can have no distance, but in reality, it is better for them to keep a little distance. Even if they have disclosed the identity of their husband and wife, in order to protect her, they need to be careful. Don't be greedy for temporary casualness and cause her to be scolded.

But Bo Yan didn't know what to say, just looked at her. Xia Siyu was relatively calm, and she also said: "Those words."

Bo Yan raised his head and let out a "huh".

Xia Siyu was heartless for a second: "Is this gift all right? Satisfied?"

Pulling him back to reality in an instant, Bo Yan smiled and nodded: "Just so-so."

Xia Siyu looked at the camera triumphantly: "Have you seen it, it's passed! This time we gave gifts and only spent five yuan (buying edible glue), a great success!"

Bo Yan looked speechless, this guy, how to say, the first place to destroy the atmosphere. However, if it weren't for what she said just now, it might not end well.

The director on the camera side is also helpless. These two people would rather save money and never do the project scheduled by the program group. Is this project so difficult? Xia Siyu also said: "It's done, it's done, hit the board, and call it a day!"

She also bowed her head to prepare to pick up the microphone, with a look of urgency that the social animal wanted to get off work sooner. The thin words are all speechless: "You can relax a little bit. The show will not end until tomorrow."

"Really?" Xia Siyu also gave a false shot. Of course she knew that the show was not over yet, but it was fun to molest the show crew.

Xia Siyu smiled and nodded: "Okay. Then thin teacher."

Bo Yan glanced at her suspiciously again.

Xia Siyu smiled: "Good night." Then he walked to the room and closed the door.

I don't know if it was the illusion he had just danced. I always felt that Xia Siyu's expression was particularly gentle when she said this to him.


Other groups have also experienced this project.

The old couple stood in the bridal shop for a long time, "earned" a commission, and had a candlelight dinner at the revolving restaurant in the city center, which was regarded as a gift for each other. It is estimated that the two people are going to let their baby continue to be a star, and they have not forgotten to video the child while eating to show her face.

On Zhou Weiwei and Zhang Wenyi's side, these two people also deliberately made some gimmicks. After leaving the kindergarten, the two of them also received a sum of money. When Zhang Wenyi and Zhou Weiwei were walking on the beach, they put a row of heart-shaped candles on the beach in advance and set off a firework at the beach. In short, what? The hustle and bustle can be as romantic as it can be.

Zhou Weiwei took the money and bought him a tie.

Han Yifan and Shang Feier are relatively simple, especially Shang Feier. She prefers to be quiet, she is reluctant to get into crowds, and she doesn't want to go shopping or something. After the two had eaten the big meal, they wandered in the secluded community for a while to digest. Han Yifan played the piano for her, sitting in front of the piano, one after another, the two played four hands together and played Mozart's famous songs together. After playing the piano, he still let people look out the window. Outside the window, he rented a lot of drones from a drone company, and put out a "LOVE" for a while and an "IU" shape for a while.

In short, it is one, each group is more generous.

No one is like Xia Siyu and Bo Yan, stingy and creating romance.


After three days of shooting, until the next morning, the other groups went back smoothly.

Xia Siyu and the others got up in the morning. They didn't go for a run this time. Instead, they packed their luggage, and then ate a large bowl of cheap oatmeal and drank two bottles of yogurt, which was considered to have survived breakfast. Before they left, they cleaned up the room, and when everything was ready, they were ready to go.

However, the director team seemed to be struggling with Bo Yan and Xia Siyu. No, when I was packing my things and preparing to leave, the mission card came again: "Please use your balance to go to the airport."

In fact, other groups are also this item, but for other groups, this is not a problem at all. Even if Zhang Wenyi spends a lot of money, how can they still have some balance left, so that they can't even get the money to go to the airport.

However, Xia Siyu and the others only had a mere forty yuan.

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