Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1636: New house (4)

When there is a barbecue, drink a cold beer by the way. In the scorching summer night, nothing is more refreshing than this.

As soon as the dishes came, Xia Siyu couldn't wait to add meat. Bo Yan hurriedly stopped: "Wait, you have to wait for the fire to heat up, and then put the pot on hot."

Xia Siyu was a little surprised: "Have you been here? Have you eaten this kind of barbecue?"

Bo Yan shook his head: "No. Just when I watched this shop, I read the comments by the way. The comment section said."

When the fire rose, white smoke began to appear on the roasting pan, and Bo Yan gave the meat off. The meat, oil and juice scurried on the roasting pan immediately after the first click, and the fragrance came to the face in an instant.

At the moment the aroma hits, not only Xia Siyu, but the photographer next to him also secretly swallowed his saliva-in order to take pictures of them, he has not eaten dinner today. However, the program group has regulations, not to have any contact with the guests while working, nor to accept the guests' "kindness" (bribery), so-sad.

Xia Siyu originally wanted to say something, but now that he smelled the scent, he immediately felt the DNA moved. When the meat changed color, she couldn't help but urged: "Is it all right?"

Bo Yan shook his head: "Wait. The surface is burnt, the facade is not yet cooked." He turned it over calmly, and sprinkled cumin and chili noodles: "It's ready to eat."

As soon as he said "Yes", Xia Siyu couldn't wait to take off his mask and stretched out his chopsticks.

It was hot, super hot, and it was just taken off the baking tray. I didn't even taste the taste. She just felt hot. She could only keep whirring, trying to cool the meat slices, and then swallowed it.

Fragrant, really scent, on the one hand, the smell is very fragrant, but the taste is more fragrant. The marinated meat is very tasty, tender, just right, and moderately salty. Onions and garlic also reduce the fishy smell of the meat, and only extract the meat fragrance.

Take another bite. There is a small vegetable slice in the side dish, which absorbs a little bit of vegetable fragrance and reduces oiliness. Such a high-fire barbecue is not greasy at all, and it tastes really good.

After eating the barbecue, take another sip of beer. The beer is rich in foam and refreshing.

Xia Siyu took a bite and didn't forget to look at the photographer next to him: "You come and taste it too."

The photographer shook his head. He was holding a small camera. It was a bit conspicuous to shoot in a store like this. From time to time, people passing by saw it and swept towards them curiously. Xia Siyu hurriedly persuaded: "Eat first, and then shoot later, there are many people now. And if you shoot like this, it will be bad if someone finds out."

Fortunately, these years, there are many people who are self-media and food bloggers, and it is not surprising that I will shoot again. But the photographer still didn't dare to eat with them. He just watched it and didn't even dare to drink their beer. They could only drink the water they brought.

Seeing that he didn't eat, Xia Siyu stopped persuading him, and feasted on himself. Xia Siyu has never cared about making facial expressions in front of the camera. Almost all of her previous ugly photos were taken by the media in this way. However, the photographer let them go and did not keep shooting: it was not that he was soft-hearted, but that the battery was not enough.

Who knew that Xia Siyu and Bo Yan went shopping, and went all the way to eat supper, and spent many hours shopping? He didn't have enough batteries, so he could only put down the camera angrily.

Xia Siyu had actually eaten dinner. Although she was a bit greedy just now, her eating speed slowed down after making up the first plate of meat.

After she was not greedy, she still had time to make jokes with thin words: "I know why I have to wait for the plate to be hot before putting the meat-like a fried steak, what Maillard reaction is."

Maillard reaction is also called browning reaction, the most as the name implies, is that if the meat is placed above 140 degrees, the meat will change color quickly, which can increase the flavor of the food. When grilling a steak, you must first heat the pot to piping hot, then put the meat down, fry the skin to brown, and quickly lock the juices, so that the inside is still tender.

It is about food, Xia Siyu can remember such proper nouns.

Bo Yan smiled: "Almost. However, such an overreaction may also produce a toxin, which can cause cancer. Of course, regardless of the measurement and toxicity, it is a hooligan, and it's okay to take it a few times occasionally."

As the smoke rose, Xia Siyu was sitting here, eating barbecue and drinking beer, looking at him opposite, unconsciously remembering that Bo Yan also went to a fly restaurant barbecue shop with her when he was filming "Youth 2". Xia Siyu said: "I remember before we..."

Before finishing talking, the photographer looked up at her, and Xia Siyu immediately replied: "At that time, when we were shooting "The Tempest", you, Feier Shang and Director Wang, we had a barbecue together in the evening."

In fact, it was only once when Xia Siyu wanted to eat cumin lamb. Bo Yan ordered this dish specially and bought a bunch of barbecues to send the members of the crew. At that time, I tried my best not to let the crew discover their relationship, nor did I want Xia Siyu to know what was on his mind. But now when I think about it, it’s a bit silly to buy a bunch of barbecues and knock on the door one by one to ask the members of the crew to eat.

But, be stupid, there must be such an experience in life. There is always someone who crashes your originally smart brain, making you dizzy, like a fever and cold, and like doing a roller coaster.

Xia Siyu drank half a glass of beer and didn't forget to vomit: "I remember that time, I hated you so much. After that, I hated it for a long time."

The enmity between her and Bo Yanfen was forged at that time. Now their masters have reconciled, but the disgust at that time was also real.

But just as the Lord is healed, fans are still clamoring, there is no way this can be done.

But this sentence is not clear whether she was recording the show, clarifying the past of the two of them, or really sent it, after all, Xia Siyu's wine volume is not very good.

The two didn't order much. One was to save money, and the other was for the big evening. They were entertainers and needed to stay in shape. Fortunately, all the people who come to eat in this alley are locals, the price is not expensive, so two plates of meat plus two plates of vegetarian and two bottles of beer, less than eighty.

After eating the barbecue, the two and a photographer walked back slowly, passing by the bar area just now, and sure enough, the singing had already begun at this time, and the voice of the resident singer had already been heard. Passing by a house, Xia Siyu frowned: "This song is better than him when I go up to sing it."

No, no, it’s better for others. Although it often goes out of tune, it’s not like you, who didn’t even find the tune.

After singing a song, the singer cut the song and sang it again. It turned out to be the dance song "She" they had danced a few days ago. The two looked at each other and smiled, Bo Yan looked at her, and hummed lowly: "She-may-be-the-face-I-can't-forget..."

The moonlight is beautiful, and she is even more beautiful.

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