Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 224: Hardcore powder (5)

She was about to send a message to Midsummer Misty Rain when she suddenly heard a noise.

It wasn't the midsummer mist and rain, but the thin words outside were making noises. Hearing the movement, it seemed that he put the glass heavily.

No way, she just landed in a large size, how could the thin words outside know?

The invisibility setting can be adjusted on Weibo. She rushed to the setting at a speed of 800 meters and adjusted her invisibility. Then quietly searched for Bo Yan, he was not online.

Xia Siyu breathed a sigh of relief, she just said that after she was on the variety show, except for Zhou Weiwei, she only exchanged with Wang Zisu and Hu Juyue. He didn't even pay attention to Bo Yan, how could he know he was online. She must have just thought too much.

Although she was on the tuba, she did not dare to contact Midsummer Misty Rain. Now Weibo is not what it looked like at the beginning, and the celebrities' every move on it has attracted much attention. Sometimes celebrities eat melons themselves. She knew about a female star, and it was reported on the Internet that she and another up-and-coming singer were at odds with each other. It was because the female star accidentally praised the news that the singer was in love with other people.

The female star was an acquaintance of her original agency. She and the singer really didn't know each other, and they didn't have a holiday. But since then, a beam has been formed. If a show or a party invites both of them to go there at the same time, then there is me but you, and you can only choose one of the two.

But she didn't contact, but Midsummer Misty Rain took the initiative to find her. Her private messages are set to be sent only by people who follow them. Midsummer Misty Rain happens to be one of them: "The trumpet just now, is it really you?"

Xia Siyu let out a "huh". The **** fan who chased her for such a long time, although she doesn't care about his money, but she can always support her sincerely, although she does not say it on the surface, she is still very grateful.

Midsummer Misty Rain paused for a long time, seeming to be digesting this problem. After a moment, he replied: "You don't like Fable CP?"

Xia Siyu said "Uh-huh" again.

Midsummer Misty Rain asked again: "Do you not like CP hype, sucking blood, slamming, or dislike-thin words?"

If someone else came to ask, Xia Siyu would not answer, but this is an iron fan who has followed her for many years, and she has been low-key, so she nodded, "Both."

After she answered, there was no reply from the midsummer mist over there for a long time, so she probably went to rest.

I was bored anyway, so I simply searched for the meagerness of the thin words.

Bo Yan's account was obviously registered after he entered the entertainment industry for three years. Last Weibo, still staying in Sicily, the self-portrait that he took in the evening showing mass abdominal muscles. The following retweets have nearly one million, and the likes are all several million.

Feel free to click on the comment, the following "Ao Ao Ao" is all called "husband is not allowed to show to others", "husband can only go back to me at night." Xia Siyu made a "cut", not to be jealous or anything, just simply think, is it so exaggerated? Isn’t it just two chest muscles and eight abdominal muscles, he shook her every day and didn’t think there was anything...

Wait a moment, she looked at his picture and thought that he just took off his bathrobe, revealing his slender body, and only wearing shorts. Lying in his arms in the morning, his muscles are tight and not overly full, strong yet soft. Especially, the shorts wrapped up pretty bulging...

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