Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 409: I am waiting for you at home (2)

It turned out that Xia Siyu had been enchanting and charming, but that was acting. The audience couldn't tell that he could tell at a glance the people he had spent many years in the entertainment industry and had known her for many years.

But now, he was sure that her natural charm was gradually diffused.

Some people say that a woman's eighteen is the culmination. It is fresh and tender, and watery.

But there is a kind of woman who gradually exudes her charm when she is about thirty years old. Xia Siyu is the latter.

Qin Baizhou didn't want to wait anymore, he knew that Bo Yan was pursuing her, maybe the two of them still had a physical relationship.

But only he can help Xia Siyu keep going!


In the next few days, Bo Yan was busy, and so was Xia Siyu.

Soon, it was the day when the script was read around.

It is not the first time Xia Siyu has participated in the script reading. When she was last time in "The Tempest", she did not object to any request from Shang Feier. She was considered a soft persimmon, thinking that she had an empty head and asked casually.

As a result, Xia Siyu played well and hit her face instantly. And not only the face slapped within the scope of the crew, but also the reporters who followed the film.

This time, Xia Siyu also made a lot of preparations. She has enough energy to make a good film. She is watching all the materials and videos provided by Bo Yan.

She and Bo Yan were separated for several days. Sometimes she was in Yancheng and he went to other places. Sometimes he came back briefly and she went to other cities.

This is the case with artists, except for filming and shutting down the studio for a few months. Even if there is no filming, there are other announcements to run.

There are few days to get together all year round.

But there is no such thing as a bad word at home. She sleeps by herself very sweetly, and the big bed is horizontal and upright.

There is no need to fight with him all the time, even to breathe more easily.


The last time Qin Baizhou and Xia Siyu went to participate in the agent variety show, their combination was highly praised when they came out, so this variety show came to the door, and Qin Baizhou happily renewed the contract to join her.

The script reading this time was just after Qin Baizhou participated in the agent variety show with her.

Qin Baizhou intends to chase her, so recently, as long as he has time, he will follow Xia Siyu's schedule. Fortunately, the two of them have this cooperative variety show, and there are topics to talk about, which is not boring.

Although the two people worked together in the past, the nature of the work was different. Xia Siyu is the one in front of the stage, responsible for being beautiful on stage. And Qin Baizhou is the one behind the scenes, responsible for helping her smooth out her branches. Although it is a cooperation, there is still a little difference because of different perspectives and different ways of looking at problems.

But this time, Qin Baizhou appeared in front of the stage with her, only to realize that it was not easy for the artist to be straight.

Although they come out to accept interviews and they also have Taiwanese books, many of the artists are interviews on site, and some are live broadcasts. They can't even edit them, and naturally they can't control their answers. Although there is a general direction, you will accept thousands of verbal criticisms if you take a mouthful or a gesture that is not too decent.

In the variety show, he has to take care of her, but he can't be too eager to win. You must be smart, you must keep up with your physical strength, and you must have skills and not use brute force. Moreover, you can't get too close, or even show that you like her, so as not to have a bad influence on her.

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