Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 488: Family (6)

Qin Baizhou looked at him with poison in his eyes.

But even with sharp eyes, he opened his mouth and his voice seemed to be smiling, full of "smiling tiger": "Teacher Bo, so are you."

"Definitely." Bo Yan's face was full of smiles, and the two men passed in and the other went out.

When Bo Yan walked behind Qin Baizhou and was about to close the door, Qin Baizhou stopped him: "Bo Yan."

He did not call him "Teacher Bo". Obviously, instead of using the way of greeting in the circle, he was going to tell him a personal matter!

Bo Yan stopped and looked back.

Qin Baizhou knew that the door was not closed, and Xia Siyu inside could hear it. He even counted it, Bo Yan dared to wait in front of Xia Siyu's door so blatantly, not afraid of being photographed by other residents, surveillance, or paparazzi. It must have been a measure.

Indeed, Bo Yan not only covered all the rooms on this floor, so that the hotel customer service staff could not go up to this floor casually, but also opened up the paparazzi and asked them to follow the crew to step on it. Moreover, Song Fengzhi, in the name of the crew, requested that this level not be monitored.

The reason is also very simple. After all, the "crew" is staying here, and I am afraid that the hotel's monitoring may leak, and there will be some bad pictures.

There have indeed been many incidents of celebrities being secretly photographed in hotels. In addition to this section of monitoring, the elevator entrance and stairway monitoring are all there, and there is no problem from the security point of view, and the hotel agreed to the request.

Since Bo Yan took measures, he was not afraid to speak at the door. Qin Baizhou said: "I hope that Mr. Bo will focus on thinking about rain. Don't disclose the two people's affairs at will, and don't cause any trouble to her. It will not be easy for thinking about rain to get to where he is today. What news came out and the top stream, maybe she has worked desperately for seven years and all of her efforts have disappeared."

Xia Siyu couldn't hear it, and felt a little moved. Bo Yan appraised it in his heart, and this male green tea is really good.

He just smiled: "This, don't worry about Mr. Qin. Good night."

After saying this, Bo Yan immediately closed the door.

The smile on Qin Baizhou's face just disappeared completely, and he narrowed his eyes, thinking hard about how to deal with it.

Yesterday he sent someone to check on Xia Siyu's life experience and her family. But today there is only one day, it is impossible to find the results in an instant.

He always makes perfect preparations when he does things. In addition to letting his subordinates investigate, he also thought of other ways, which should also be able to find out Xia Siyu's family situation.

——That is, Xia Siyu's only circle friend in recent years and her university classmate, Zhou Weiwei.

Qin Baizhou lowered his head. He seemed to have Zhou Weiwei's WeChat account. He called out and sent a message: "Miss Zhou, do you have time recently, let's have a meal together."

Zhou Weiwei has always been half red and not purple, but he just likes her half red and not purple, so he has room for manipulation.


In the door.

Xia Siyu was still a little hard to digest. Friends and buddies of seven years actually confessed to her today. Although Qin Baizhou's posture was very low, she was under pressure just because she was too low.

Seeing Bo Yan coming, she refused directly: "I don't want to do it."

Bo Yan didn't answer immediately, he just walked over and sniffed her neck lightly, his voice soft, "But I think."

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