Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 629: Like you (1)

Women are emotional animals and are easily moved by others.

Even if it is an iron heart, but being considerate for many years, it will still be moved.

After being touched, my heart becomes softer unconsciously, and I will be gentle with each other.

Xia Siyu really didn't want to behave with Bo Yan at first, but couldn't bear to stalk Bo Yan. At first, I was bored, but then forced by the situation, I had to follow it. Up to now, she lowered her head and watched Bo Yan seriously help her rub her belly. His big hands were very warm and his movements were very gentle. When he squeezed her, she seemed to care for a rare treasure.

She was upset for a while, and she didn't know how to face it. When she originally hated him, she selectively blinded all the advantages of him, only magnifying his shortcomings.

But now I like him, his advantages seem to spring up like bamboo shoots after a rain, desperately showing off in front of her, her mind is dizzy, and her heart is dizzy.

Although Xia Siyu was rude, she took the initiative to express her confession back then. But when he was young, he only knew that Bo Yan was handsome and tall, and wanted him to be his boyfriend. Like is really like, love is not enough.

But now I have gone through thousands of sails, met again, and got mixed up again. I like it again, even if it hasn't reached the point of love, but it is different from the pure Yangou back then. Many aspects of Bo Yan moved her, she really couldn't control it.

Xia Siyu's thoughts, Bo Yan is right next to her, knowing the best. He looked up and saw that Xia Siyu's face was red, his lips were also red, his eyes were moist, and there was no pain on his face. It is estimated that she is no longer uncomfortable. The two were so close, she didn't push him away, she probably wasn't angry with him anymore.

Bo Yan tried to tilt her head, approached slowly, and then kissed her lips. She was quite gentle at first, but after a while she didn't reject her, then she led her to the bedside and turned off the light.

She really wants to cry. What should she do? She can't even push him away. She obviously put her hand on his shoulder and wanted him to go. But when she reacted, her hand was already holding his head. , Fingers lightly pierced his hair, but instead held him tighter.

She really wanted to slap herself a few times, how is it, how is it. Too frankly, it was a hurdle in her fate that she couldn't overcome. She married him, her body fell, and her heart was lost.

Xia Siyu had never encountered anything like this before. When she fell in love with him, she kicked him when she liked it and didn't like it, but now she started to struggle.

It's not like her, it's really not like her.

Gotta change.

Xia Siyu sobbed a little afterwards. He hurried up to coax: "My wife, what I did wrong, you say, don't wrong yourself."

Her fault was him, he still had the face to say.

If she does not answer, she will be more gentle. The more tender he is, the more uncomfortable she is.

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