Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 637: Child (3)

And Bo Yan and Xia Siyu, as the parents of the child in the play, at least have to learn how to hold the child.

It's a pity that twins are hard to find, and cute twins are even harder to find. According to the plot, it was a little boy, but it was not easy to find, so the crew recruited a little girl.

Anyway, boys and girls can't be seen in infancy, and no one knows what the situation is.

And the child cannot come alone, and the child's mother will follow.

It's also impossible that this child was just born. The youngest person who applied for it has been more than two months, and that is this little guy.

But the two-month-old little guy is still very small, and when he sends it to Bo Yan and Xia Siyu, they dare not even give a hug. Especially Xia Siyu, who looked around the little guy, looked super strange.

Last time on the train, that little baby was nine months old and could scream, stand, hold, and sit. This is too small, as if poking the little guy in the face, you can puncture her little face.

And the mother held it all the way, this, she not only had to hug, but also had to touch, and she had to act with her, it felt completely different.

Xia Siyu had never touched such a small child. She has been in the show business for seven years, but because of her pure makeup, she always plays the image of pure and innocent little white flowers. Most of the school chick movies are in love and love, involving the life after marriage: none.

Few girls of the same age around her are married and have children. This circle seems to be rejecting the image of children naturally. Women in this circle, whether they are artists or assistant agents, will always have only two images of "girls" and "strong women". Even if you are married and have a baby, try to play down the shadow of "housewives" so as not to be labelled and not easy to film in the future.

Unless there are some special daddy and nanny who rely on the baby show's love, but these are not many, almost negligible. What's more, for the sake of the physical and mental health of minors, the country opposes children's showings, and it also kills a lot of the ways of making money for parents.

In short, this was the first time that Xia Siyu had come into contact with such a small child. She was so novel and surprised that she didn't even dare to hold it. The child's body is so soft, I am afraid that it will be broken by her accidentally.

"Let me hug it." Or Bo Yan volunteered to open his mouth first, and the child's mother hugged the little guy into Bo Yan's arms.

The little guy is still sleeping. It is common for a little baby to sleep more than ten hours a day, but there is very little time to wake up.

Bo Yan was stiff, the little guy in his sleep didn't seem to be very comfortable either, his little brows frowned bitterly.

He has been top-notch in everything he learns since he was a child, and he is a 100% novice only with regard to raising children.

The child's mother is still teaching him: "Teacher Bo, you are like this, one hand is protecting the child's ass, and the other hand is supporting her head."

Bo Yan followed his words and moved his arms carefully, finally adjusting the child to a comfortable posture. Bo Yan hugged him for a while, the little guy didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, he smashed his mouth, seeming to be aftertaste of the sweet milk, and then fell asleep leisurely.

Bo Yan hugged the baby and said to Xia Siyu with excitement: "Hurry up, look at the baby!"

At that moment, it seemed that this little guy was not the little actor in their play, just like he and Xia Siyu's child.

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