Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 644: Be jealous (4)

When resting at night, Bo Yan sat down on the edge of the bed honestly, bowed his head to admit his mistake: "I was wrong. I shouldn't be slippery."

"Is that hand slippery?" Don't think Xia Siyu is usually stupid, just treat her as a fool. Xia Siyu's instinct is very accurate, she can still tell if the thin words are slippery or intentional.

Bo Yan glanced at her and said, "I shouldn't have thrown your phone in the hot pot."

Xia Siyu was furious: "Why are you throwing my phone away!"

How dare Bo Yan say that it was sent by Qin Baizhou angry, so he had to say: "I'm jealous."

"You are jealous, you are jealous! Tell me, why are you jealous of your phone?"

Bo Yan is righteous: "You refuse to have children with me, but you like other people's babies so much. You also take pictures to show off. You also said that you might have babies with other men in the future."

Xia Siyu rushed over, squeezed a handful of his hair, and rubbed his black hair into a pulp, "Are you sick! Don't you know what we are doing now? I am twenty-seven, mine. My goal is acting. How can I have children? I don’t want to give up my career. My career is the first in my eyes. Only if my career is successful and no worries, I will consider leaving the circle and having children. thing!"

He said calmly: "I know, I am not in a hurry, just hope that you can give me a chance. Whether it is five years, ten years or fifteen years, I am willing to wait."

Xia Siyu said directly: "Bo Yan, I know you like me very much now, but I didn't make up my mind to be with you. We are just an alliance now. We have a common goal and a common enemy. Of course I do too. I have to admit that we are all in line with each other, so I don’t mind maintaining this relationship with you. However, the child’s matter, I have not even thought about it now, and have not been included in the plan. Even in the future, I will consider it carefully. .You like me very much now, five, ten, fifteen years, will you still like me then? Don’t rush to show your determination, I know, you like me today, and you may like others tomorrow. You I like me now because I’m good-looking, but what about when I’m not young? Although I said, even if I’m eighty years old, I’m the best-looking old lady. But it may not be in your eyes."

Love is fluid, it is hormones, it is dopamine, not eternal. Love has peaks and troughs, and it will gradually change over time and with constant quarrels.

She can't guarantee how others like her, but the only thing she can guarantee is that she will always love herself the most.

Even if others look down on her, she will not look down on herself.

She can't even guarantee that even if Bo Yan still loves her in five, ten, or fifteen years, will she still like him like she does now?

Nowadays I have wine and now I am drunk, and now they are very happy together, isn't it all right? Why should we consider such a far future and a child?

She likes to tease her baby because it is someone else’s baby, she just has to tease it. But if it's her own, then it can't just be happy, it's a responsibility.

Xia Siyu's pessimism towards family and children is also due to the shadow of childhood.

What about parents loving each other? In the end, isn't her mother's life also a tragedy? She and Xia Youbiao's father-daughter relationship can't be reconciled?

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