Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 647: Reaching the Same Goal by Different Routes (1)

With self-confident words, never jealous anymore.

Early the next morning, he asked Song Fengzhi to buy her a new mobile phone. Bo Yan knew that the eyes of netizens were poisonous now. In order to prevent them from seeing it, he also bought the same model of Qin Baizhou and the same model of mobile phone she threw in the hot pot last time. It was just a matter of stealing the beam and replacing it with a gift from him.

Xia Siyu had a mobile phone, and still raised his nose and eyes. Looking at him from left to right was uncomfortable and hypocritical. Bo Yan also smiled slightly, not arguing with her.

But there was a discord between the two artists, and the two assistants couldn't understand each other. Song Fengzhi is also a straight man thinking, my brother Yan loves you so much and likes you, you still show off. Of course, Wei Jingjing stood still with her own daughter. My family thinks of rain is so precious, and she looks upset. If you don't like it, don't chase, anyway, the people who chase her can't finish from Yancheng to Shangcheng.

No one can understand each other.

This boredom has continued from the small courtyard of the location to the film and television center.

After the baby was gone, they spent another two days shooting at the location, and they will bid farewell to this place in the early morning of the third day. Xia Siyu and Bo Yan have lived here for two months, and she is quite reluctant to get used to being free, and the folk customs are simple.

The blunt words are too. Although he installed tap water and a full set of bathing equipment under the slogan of "help", he knew that it was for himself. The two looked at each other. They are not stingy people. Since they have feelings, they must leave something for the locals.

You can't give money directly. Youdao is to build roads before getting rich. Bo Yan and Xia Siyu use their own money to renovate the roads of the village. They donated to Hope Primary School before, but this time they also donated to Hope Middle School anonymously. They even set up scholarships to help poor students in universities in the provincial capital where the archives were viewed at the time.

All of this, they are anonymous, and they also greet the brokerage company, not wanting to use it to gain a reputation. Especially Xia Siyu, Qian Jingwan urged not to let Qin Baizhou buy her any charity hot search, she did not want to hype.

However, the two finished filming the next afternoon and will leave tomorrow. Director Sun called the two of them to dinner, but Xia Siyu and Bo Yan refused. Xia Siyu was squeamish: "I want to go back and take a bath. I have been rolling in the yellow sand for a day today. It is very dirty."

After all, she is a female artist, and he understands even a little bit squeamish. Moreover, although Xia Siyu's daily life is hypocritical, he still works hard. After shooting one set, half of the doubles were useless, and she was all on the stage herself, just be hypocritical.

Bo Yan also said: "I don't know how to drink." He rebuffed them casually. Every time Bo Yan had dinner with them in Humen, he was not very happy because Bo Yan never drinks.

"Okay, let's go back!" Sun Wujiu is very familiar with him, and Bo Yan is not only acting, but also helping him to invest and help him. They have been in friendship for several years, and get along like brothers. .

Bo Yan certainly wouldn't go back to rest casually, he and Xia Siyu went back to the courtyard one after another. It was still early, they took a shower, changed their clothes, and then Bo Yan asked Song Fengzhi for the car keys, without asking anyone to follow, tacitly went out with her.

Not far from the car, Bo Yan found the best position and opened the skylight when he reached the river bend. The two watched the sunset together.

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