Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 651: Reaching the Same Goal by Different Routes (5)

Xia Siyu looked at him, and Bo Yan's serious face instantly became a bit sad: "I saw the sunset with you last time, and you will have an official holiday when you come back. This time I will watch the sunset with you, and watch you have another official holiday. '. To see us is to see the sunrise!"

Xia Siyu was funny and powerless, she said, she always felt as if she had forgotten something just now, only to find out when Haoyan was just drowsy, it turned out that it was her own period.

Her menstrual period turned out to be very fixed, about forty days, but this time she just hit.

Although Bo Yan was unhappy, he drove back quickly because of her health.

Xia Siyu changed clothes and took protection. After entering the house, Wei Jingjing had already boiled the water and handed her a cup of sweet **** tea. Drinking warm **** tea mixed with brown sugar into the belly, even the limbs are warm.

Xia Siyu happily took another sip while holding the cup, Wei Jingjing also said: "This time it is strange, it came so suddenly."

"Yes, every time it hurts to death and life."

As soon as Xia Siyu finished speaking, she suddenly remembered that Bo Yan always fed her mutton, mutton soup, and bath.

Don't give her raw or cold food, ice cream is forbidden, and cold drinks are forbidden.

The human body looks like a cast of copper and iron. If you don’t pay attention to it, you will be sick. Xia Siyu had to catch the cold because of filming and participating in activities before. Wei Jingjing and Qin Baizhou couldn't always watch her. They also had to drink Chinese medicine for a long time, and it would be useless after a short break. And her face was sallow, which was unimaginable for an actor, and she had no choice but to stop.

There is something bad, and it can indeed regulate her. And he also paid attention to feeding her only lean meat. After two months of filming, he didn't gain weight, but her body became stronger. She doesn’t look too strong when she is strong. Bo Yan often kills her horses and chickens. Although they sometimes roll together by pressing two people, they do press her sore muscles well, and the muscles will not be savage. Grow.

Eat well, live well, and sometimes whether it’s appropriate to live with a person, you will know if you live with him for a while and eat together.

What can be eaten on a plate is basically not scattered.

So you see, love may be a temporary hormone, and marriage lasts for a long time, there must be a certain life foundation.

It's also when sleeping at night. Although Xia Siyu's stomach no longer hurts, she would still be weak due to bleeding, but she didn't want to sleep, so she lay and chatted with Bo Yan.

Bo Yan, although the dog is going to die when it is a dog, it is still very reliable in 80% of the cases. For example, now that he knows that dogs can't be useful, he simply put away those careful thoughts, and talked to her about filming and living here.

This was their last night in this small courtyard, and both of them were a little reluctant. The host is also very kind to them. The old man is getting older. Although his grandchildren are by his side, he is usually deserted. Xia Siyu and the others live here, it's lively, and he doesn't bother him. The grandchildren are also very cute. Although I hope that I live in elementary school and come back one day a week, she is behaved every time we meet and she likes it very much.

"You like it here." He said in affirmative sentences.

Of course Xia Siyu nodded: "Well, don't you like it?"

Bo Yan rubbed her ear with her cheek: "I like it."

Who doesn't like a free, unfettered life? What's more, there is her by her side.

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