Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 692: Fairy Jump (4)

It's autumn, and the weather is getting colder and colder.

Xia Siyu is a female star and wears less clothes than ordinary people. Although the outside is a long coat, the inside is a normal T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. Yesterday, the glasses brother looked at her and she was particularly uncomfortable. Today, I deliberately wore a loose-fitting model with no body.

But now in the autumn, when the wind blows, it is still a bit cold.

But he was tall and tall. When he hugged Xia Siyu from behind, it seemed as if a warm current was conveyed from her back. Not only his body temperature, but also the smell on his body, as well as his slightly low voice, haunted her ears and her body.

In the autumn sunset, there was a slight breeze. The tall platanus trees and the slightly shorter ginkgo trees on the roadside, one leaf is red, the other leaf turns yellow, at the corner of the alley in autumn, it looks particularly quiet and timeless.

There was a flow of traffic behind him, and there were loud noises, but behind the alley, it was a period of quiet and good time.

Xia Siyu didn't look back, but she asked happily: "When did you come?"

She thought Bo Yan would be waiting for her at the coffee shop outside their studio, and she wanted to take the car later, but she didn't expect him to come so quickly.

Bo Yan just smiled: "I missed you, so I came here."

As he spoke, he rubbed his head behind her neck. Although he wears a hat, the soft fisherman hat can't stop anything. There are a few mischievous bangs from under the brim of the hat, unwilling to show weakness, and with his movements, gently rubbing the fluff behind her ears. Xia Siyu's ears are itchy.

He also said: "Why did you come out so early?"

According to the original plan, although Xia Siyu and the others could only take pictures in the school during the day, few were still shuttled in the dark campus at night, that was the development of ghost stories. However, there are night scenes at night, and there are scenes where the heroine rides a bicycle with her.

He thought for a while: "Are you still filming tonight?"

Xia Siyu shook his head: "No. Everyone can't find the status today. The director would rather let us go back and have a rest."

After all, this is a movie, not a TV series. Every shot of a movie needs to be polished.

Even if the technology is advanced now, it can be done later. But the protagonist’s mental outlook can’t deceive anyone. Anyway, the daytime shooting is over, it’s better to let them find their status, take a good rest for the night, and continue tomorrow.

"how about you?"

Xia Siyu raised her chest proudly: "I'm amazing! The director said that I played the best."

Maybe she is not so grounded yet, but Xia Siyu has a simple mind and clear eyes, and she is very happy with Bo Yan, the state comes naturally, and she doesn't need to worry about it.

"But it has to be grounded? After all, it is a domestic youth film."

This is indeed what the director said. Although Xia Siyu played the most beautiful boy in the whole hutong, she had lived abroad since she was a child. She did not return to China until her second year in high school. I can't experience the feeling of domestic children riding bicycles along the river and driving through the streets.

Even cycling is because she has made movies before and is now learning.

Xia Siyu was indeed a little distressed, and she nodded.

Bo Yan let go of her embrace, but took her hand with her fingers intertwined: "Why, let's live the daily routine of ordinary students today. We are together."

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