Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 697: Dating (3)

The bus stop was still a certain distance away from the hotel they were staying in, but neither of them mentioned taking a taxi back. They would rather walk across the quiet street and walk there.

Unexpectedly, their first date after they got back together would be to eat a roadside stall and take the bus, but whether it was Xia Siyu or Bo Yan, both of them were very happy and cherished this opportunity.

Halfway through, Xia Siyu still acted like a baby: "So tired, I can't walk anymore."

Bo Yan looked at his phone, and it showed that it was only 1.5 kilometers away from the hotel. This distance is not too far. It may not take five minutes to travel, but it takes twenty minutes to walk.

Bo Yan guessed that she also didn't want to call a car, but she did walk a long way today. She was filming again during the day, and it is normal for her to be tired: "Why don't I carry you?"

Xia Siyu nodded immediately, and she immediately took a pose, standing on the side of the road, stretching out her arms to make him carry.

No way, this is his own wife. If you don't carry it, can you lose it? He can only say: "You can carry it, don't move."

Xia Siyu nodded, but when Bo Yan approached her, she also took a run-up, took a leap, and jumped directly onto his back. Xia Siyu has been learning dance and has been exercising. This jump flew directly on his back, and he staggered two steps in his blunt words: "Take it lightly!"

Although he was blaming, his hand was still honestly passed under her knees, and she stood firmly on his back.

Xia Siyu chuckled and ignored it. Instead, he tilted two JIOs up and down naughty in the air.

It is not the first time Bo Yan has carried her back. In Sicily, when Xia Siyu went to sleep with him at night, he also carried her up under the "difficulty" of the program group. But Xia Siyu really fell asleep last time, but now, she is in good spirits. Seeing her just run-up and take-off posture, she may not be too tired, but deliberately acted like a baby to make him carry.

Bo Yan also ridiculed: "You are so heavy." Actually, she was not in Sicily last time. After all, she was completely asleep last time. Although she is moving, she still cooperates with her.

As soon as the voice fell, Xia Siyu knocked on his head: "Dare to say that I am heavy? Wouldn't I just eat your kebabs?"

In fact, her weight has risen recently. After three months in the northwest, she was fed fat by Bo Yan. But how can the little fairy be said to be fat? Besides, although she gained weight, she didn't gain weight. Every day's work consumed most of her energy. Although she didn't go to the gym every day, her figure did not get fat, but her muscles increased.

Bo Yan also smiled: "Yes, yes, you look good, and everything you say is right."

Xia Siyu hummed, "It's pretty much the same."

Bo Yan also said: "Actually I hope you can get a little fat. When we got married, you were too skinny. Although you look good on the camera, it is not good for your body."

Men want their wives to be fatter. If only the **** and buttocks can be fatter, it would be better to be thinner elsewhere. But most of the artists are too thin, and their clothes are as empty as they are on a hanger.

When they got married, she was scolded the worst when she came out of the previous company. Although Xia Siyu herself doesn't care about being scolded, but everyone who likes to be overwhelmed with bad reviews will definitely affect her. Coupled with changing companies, that should be the first crisis in her career.

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