Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 820: Temporary (6)

Bo Yan didn't speak for the time being, he was afraid that when he spoke, his mouth was full of intoxicating alcohol.

He relaxed for a while before opening his mouth: "I'm fine, it's you..."

Before the word "you" was finished, Xia Siyu jumped up instantly like a rabbit, and then rushed to the stairs at a speed of 100 meters, and went upstairs. The speed was so fast that he was amazed!

Xia Siyu is not stupid. He just coaxed him to drink just for fun. Whether he drinks or not, she doesn't want to accompany herself in. Of course it's a good escape now.

Bo Yan was stunned. He didn't expect this guy to run so fast, so fast that he didn't even react.

When he was about to get up and chase, the little wine that he drank was indeed useful. As soon as he was together, he sat back on the sofa again. He took a breath, adjusted it, and then continued to walk up.

Bo Yan was drinking more than half a catty, but he drank too quickly and urgently, and he needed to relax a little bit. But when he walked to his room on the third floor, he found that the bedroom door was locked.

Obviously, Xia Siyu was very careful in guarding against him, and even this place was insured to prevent him from messing around after drinking and touching it at night.

Bo Yan knocked on the door: "My wife, open the door."

"No." Xia Siyu smiled happily inside, "Do you think I'm stupid? I won't open it!" She didn't want to use any hands, she just teased him deliberately. Now that he can't get in, she is happy Rolling on the bedside holding a pillow.

"Open the door, I promise not to move you. May I just lie down for a while?"

"Isn't there a sofa down there? You've been wronged on the sofa all night." She is not stupid. She wants to trick her into opening the door, but there is no door!

The last time she came to see the room, she especially liked his open-style bedroom and the two-meter bed, she could roll for a long time. Moreover, she was resting alone tonight, and she could see the swimming pool outside by opening the window. This environment is absolutely awesome!

However, not long after she lay down, Bo Yan said outside: "Siyu, wife, baby, dear, open the door."

"No. Even if you jump from here, I won't drive."

As soon as the voice fell, there seemed to be the sound of a heavy object falling "gurulu", accompanied by a muffled grunt, and then a huge impact. Xia Siyu was stunned for a moment. Could he have fallen? He drank too much, what if he really fell down?

She hurriedly jumped up from the edge of the bed, rushed to the door without wearing slippers, and opened the door without thinking, "Bo Yan, are you okay?"

As soon as the door opened, Bo Yan stood calmly at the door, and what seemed to be an ornament on the side of the corridor rolling down all the way.

This **** would still use this method? Young people do not speak martial arts!

Bo Yan smiled, and before she could close the door, he instantly grabbed her wrist and pushed her back all the way. Xia Siyu was led by him to retreat, keep retreating, bending her knees against the edge of the bed, she fell backwards, he also pressed down and kissed her without hesitation.

I have to say that he has washed before, so there is no other smell in his mouth except the smell of wine. His kiss was very warm, like a summer breeze, and a strong alcoholic smell, which heated her up.

But unfortunately, she couldn't play today at all, she could only regret losing. But by hand?

She glanced at Bo Yan, Bo Yan did not speak, he breathed well and went to sleep.

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