Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 856: A song (6)

Wei Jingjing hurried to tell Xia Siyu, but Xia Siyu was still hanging on Wia at this time. She was filming a scene of a fight on a city wall, somersaulting. She doesn't have a mobile phone and can't see it, so she can only wait for her to get down.

Since it's a fighting scene, and it's a group scene, besides her, there are others, arrows, and weapons. Even if her actions are perfect, it's useless, and everyone else must be perfect.

Even if the actors are acting well, if the camera does not capture them well, they still have to take another shot.

Xia Siyu jumped up and down on it all night, jumping for several hours. Seeing that it is almost half past nine, this one has not been passed. Not to mention others, even the director himself is a bit discouraged. Still the actor said: "Director, can you come down to the bathroom?"

After shooting for several hours, I couldn't pass one shot. Xia Siyu had rarely experienced this before. After all, I was shooting a literary drama, except that Wang Shi had let her dance for an afternoon. She was too tired. Wei Jingjing hurriedly plugged her mobile phone and told her the time: "Thirty nine."

Xia Siyu reacted, not even finishing her hairstyle, and immediately rushed into the nanny car. At the beginning, the WIFI of the film and television city was connected automatically, and the speed was slow. An angry Xia Siyu quickly turned off the WIFI and used the traffic to see.

Bo Yan is on the stage, wearing white shirt and jeans, simple makeup, but the simpler, the more handsome he is. And it wasn't just she who felt that way. As soon as he appeared, the fans of the support club holding the light cards below desperately called him like crazy.

The host briefly sang with him, and then said: "Bo Yan, I rarely hear you sing. It should be said that I have never heard you sing. I am a little looking forward to it."

Bo Yan smiled: "I just want to sing it to my important people." When he said this, his eyes were looking at the fans in the audience. The fans were playing CALL like crazy, on the video website. , The barrage also swept the screen like crazy, and Xia Siyu couldn't even see Bo Yan's face.

He looked at the fans, and the fans believed that Bo Yan's words were meant for them.

In particular, Bo Yan also made a WINK for the camera. He didn't have too many expressions, but the viewers were very excited.

Xia Siyu had always stood on stage by herself. She had never thought that one day she would watch her man confessing to her in the audience. The kind of joy, comfort and happiness she had never experienced before. Then Bo Yan also moved a guitar and sat on the stage, plucking the strings and singing a cappella, singing a love song "NOTHINGS-GONA-CHANGE-MY-LOVE-FOR-YOU".

Bo Yan's voice is slightly deep, with a feeling of resonance that is unique to the baritone. The background sound is very low, almost a cappella. Although he recorded the sound, he could feel that he did indeed sing live. But it was peaceful, timeless, calm and unhurried, and there was no ups and downs that were too high or low, and his singing was also very stable and smooth, as if God’s will.

Maybe things change, maybe there will be ups and downs in feelings. He couldn't guarantee that he would love her so much for his whole life. However, no matter what happens, there should be no one who can replace her in his heart.

At the end of the song, Xia Siyu was still immersed in his singing, and the barrage was just as crazy.

However, she didn't want to send a message to Bo Yan, telling him that she came here to listen to him singing, it was so shameless~

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