Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 872: Candid photos (4)

The video was taken out and watched carefully, but the master scolded him: "Idiot, what kind of assistant, this is Xia Siyu himself!"

Although she couldn't take Xia Siyu's face, she wore Wei Jingjing's clothes, Wei Jingjing's hat, and slippers. But the professionalism of a professional paparazzi for many years is to remember the height, weight, body shape, preferences, and dressing style of the star that he is shooting with. I remember it better than their mother. It was Xia Siyu or Wei Jingjing, he could recognize it at a glance.

Regarding this attire, Bo Yan was also a little curious when he got up early: "You didn't borrow Wei Jingjing's clothes last night, did you? And this hat..."

The woolen hat with two pompom **** looked a bit like the round ears of a hamster. Coupled with the bulging expression on Xia Siyu's cheeks at this time, it looked more like a hamster.

Seeing how she was eating, Bo Yan hurriedly stuffed her with a piece of paper, and Xia Siyu put down the chicken wings that had been eaten on her hand, and wiped her mouth and hands with the paper. A proud look: "What's her, this is what I bought, she has one set of mine. She has many sets of clothes, all of which I bought. It was like this before, I couldn't help going out shopping, they all wore the same clothes as her Yes. It's not easy to dress in summer, but it's proper in winter."

Xia Siyu is a monkey. She was born on fire on her buttocks and couldn't stay in one place. She was a big star when she debuted, and she had no choice but to be forced out of subjective initiative. Not to mention, she dressed up like this and went shopping in the past few years and was hardly noticed.

However, this costume was still seen by the senior paparazzi.

"On Christmas Eve, I changed my face to go out and came back late at night. She didn't go with the assistant or the driver by her side. She went out alone. What did she go out to do, and whoever she saw, not even the assistant. Oh, what a great opportunity. Ah, it's just wasted for life."

Why are these paparazzi staring at Xia Siyu so much? It's more terrifying than the police.

Because Xia Siyu is the most popular female star in China, there is no one. Every scandal of her, every strange and sturdy deed, although there are a lot of black powder scolding, but not to mention, it is eye-catching, and you don't need to spend much money, just on the hot search.

Especially before they were ambiguously photographed her and Bo Yan appearing in a hotel before and after, Xia Siyu and Bo Yan, it is simply Wang exploded.

Photographing their scandals, these are next to the headlines. They are also very professional, so they don't publish it when they give money. This is not a small business, such explosive news, at least tens of millions. A business of tens of millions, do you think you will follow it carefully?

Even if the artist is reluctant to spend money and finally sells it to the platform, one is able to make his name known, and the other is the platform will give money. No matter how you look at it, it's all earned.

He also turned his head: "Is there any bad news from my colleague?"

The assistant said: "Bo Yan posted on Weibo yesterday, and he also marked the location. The location where he shot the movie is thousands of miles away."

The master shook his head: "He usually never mark the location. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Although he may not come here, but you can continue to pay attention."

The master looked at Xia Siyu's photo, and it was a pity that if the person who was watching last night was him, he should be able to spot the clue for the first time and then follow it. It is a pity that the assistant thought it was an assistant, so he didn't follow up and didn't take pictures when he returned to the hotel.

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