Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 877: New Year's Eve (3)

It's great to be with Bo Yan.

Xia Siyu still sighed here, while the host over there was painful and happy. All the interviewers hope that their interviewees are like Xia Siyu, and casually mention a point, the other party has played a lot of eloquence, and it is not that kind of empty cliché. Just edit one and go out, maybe it's a hot spot.

It's a pity, they are a quick question and answer program. Guests generally answer questions and edit them within 30 seconds. In fact, there is not even within 30 seconds. It is estimated that it is only ten seconds. If you speak fast, you can only say three or four sentences.

However, the host still heard one point from her tone. She seemed to be trying to distinguish her reputation as a "sugar daddy" and did not want to marry a rich family so much. Maybe it's because she has been playing around in the entertainment circle over the years, or it may be the painful experience of past scandals, or just a "flag", she is trying to distinguish herself from the word "sugar daddy".

The host also tentatively said: "Do you mean that you would not choose to marry a rich family when you find a boyfriend?"

This is a heart-wrenching question. If Xia Siyu answers "yes", if he finds a rich person in the future, it is a proper teaching material for face slaps. If Xia Siyu answered "no", then she just slapped herself in the face.

Not to mention, the ability of the host to dig holes is still first-class. Moreover, this question is beyond going to the desk, Xia Siyu does not need to answer, and he can cut it off afterwards.

Wei Jingjing was a little anxious, she wanted to stop Xia Siyu from talking about this topic.

Although Xia Siyu usually looks silly, it is also compared with a person like Bo Yan or old fritters like Qin Baizhou. On the contrary, when she went out to fight alone, she had the upper hand, and Shang Feier couldn't mix her.

The reporter wanted to stumble her, she immediately replied: "This question is wrong. What is "marrying into a wealthy family"? First of all, what is a wealthy family? With my current income, it is definitely not comparable to the rich, but it is more ordinary. Some of the wealthy families in China are still okay. Some children from a family may be inferior to me in terms of earning ability. To me, they are not rich. Besides, what is "marriage"? Shouldn't love and marriage be equal? ​​In fact? I have been reading ancient books recently, and I still believe in the words “the right to the right”. My so-called right to the right does not refer to money. It refers to a person’s talent, ability, understanding, and other things. I don’t care if money is not. , Even if he goes bankrupt in the future, I am willing to follow him. Let me bow my head, I am wronged, I am sorry, my old lady, I will not take care of me. However, in short, as a face control, it is best for the other person to look handsome and have a good body. I have to face it every day, so upset."

She just looked at her face. When she was at a distance from Bo Yan, she fantasized about Bo Yan's figure and abdominal muscles, always thinking that it was a pity that such good abdominal muscles grew on him. It's fine now, she can touch it every night if she likes it.

The host did not expect that Xia Siyu's answer was quite clear. Xia Siyu didn't jump in the pit she dug. Anyway, she cannot be wronged, nor can she endure hardship. She has money and beauty. If love and marriage don't make herself happy, why should she get married?

The host had no choice but to say: "I wish you find someone who suits you."

Xia Siyu nodded seriously: "There must be."

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